Kris Collins💓

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Y/n Smith pov.

Me and Kris were right now at Celina's house, chilling and just enjoying the time at her haunted house. I was just joking..
I hate ghosts and stuff, like I do believe in them and paranormal activity but I still hate it tho.

When I just sat down in the livingroom, while celina and Kris were having a  meeting a medium sidekick.
The moment I was just relaxing while reading my book, to publish it next month. I was so excited.

Suddenly I felt a brush against my neck and a fat goosebump crossed my arms. No way.

I fastly looked around and saw absolutely nothing. Im literally shitting my pants right now.

"No fucking way, CELINA!" I actually yelled trough the hall and not much later, the three of them came downstairs and looked horrified af.

"What's wrong y/n!?" Celina asks immediately.

"Yo, I just felt a freacking brush against my neck and there was absolutely nothing, no fucking window was open or something!" I felt my heartbeat fastening up at a inhuman pace and I think there's a spirit in here.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Valeria, the medium sidekick resumes me and petted my shoulder slightly.

"It's okay, like. But it's still weird" I looked at Kris and she seems to be very comfortable here. I smiled.

Later the night when everyone's asleep

Kris and I laid in the guests bed and are about to sleep but I assumed there's something wrong with Kris. I knew there's something off.

"Babe?" She turned around and locked eyes with me.

"Yeah?" She asks, slightly voice shaking. I then noticed that it's pretty cold in here.

"Everything okay?" I asked and laid my hand over her PJ's covered waist.

"Yeah, kind of, it's just pretty cold" she snuggles back into me and I tightened my grip around her, just in a lovely way.

"I'm here" I whispered in her ear and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before I heard her say "I love you".

"I love you too" I then fell asleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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