Chapter 3: The first City of Memories Mission Begins!

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Dusk was on a hospital bed, and Steele "What happened to Dusk?" to Night Dash. Night Dash answers "Daddy got into a coma and a symbol was on his forehead." Midori and Sakura looked at the symbol. "Isn't it the Psyche Coma you talked about Midori?" Sakura asks. Midori answers "Yes it is. I thought this would happen in the city."

Steele asks in a calm manner, thinking his stress levels would cause him to scream and bother patients, doctors and nurses, "What is a Psyche Coma?" Midori answers "All I read is Pysche Comas make someone unconscious and acts like a ticking time bomb. It's an old folk legend from the town." Sakura said "I am surprised no one talks about it."

An old woman with Shinto priestess gear came into the room. Everyone looked at the woman as she came over. "This was a legend many forgot. Except for a few people." She looks at Dusk's head. Tails Doll was slumped down so it looked like a normal doll. The old woman looked at the group. "Dusk has days until the cursed disease kills him."

Midori asks "How do we save him? I haven't even read that far." The old woman answers "You need to enter the Spirit Dimension. There are many ways to enter, but our most notable is a cave with a Torii in front of it. It's one of our gates. Finding the disease from there and destroying it is the cure." Midori said "Okay." She nods and looks at the group. "We need to go to the gate." The group nods.


Midori and crew got to the Torii and bowed to it. They went under the Torii and entered the cave. The cave brought them into a gigantic city, filled with advanced technology and things from... Dusk's memories?! They noticed Dusk's shadow coming over. He looked like he had 6 pieces missing from his necklace, and looked like a combination of Castlevania's version of Dracula and a cyborg.

Midori asks "Dusk?" Yumi asks "Are you Dusk's shadow?" Midori was trying to understand if this world is a Palace or a Broadcast. She read the Persona books. Why isn't she remembering this world? What is this world? She asks again "Dusk?"

Dusk's shadow said "Yes it is me. Or at least a piece. You see I have so many regrets that my shadow self is technically split in 5. And not only that but all but the second tower over there..." Points to the red and white tower. "Is locked as that has the least amount of regret." The group looked at the 5 towers. Midori looked at Dusk. "How do we fix you?"

Dusk answers "All 5 towers have 5 keys needed if you need to get to my Tree of Emotions." Midori looked at the others "We need to save Dusk." Thalia said "Come on." The group heads to the first tower: a purple tower. They entered the tower and searched around. Shadows appear out of nowhere.

Thalia and Steele summon their keyblades. Yumi summoned her bow. Night Dash summons her dagger. Cocoa and Midori were ready to use magic on the shadows. Sakura was ready to fight, but she has no weapon or fighter skills. The shadows kept coming closer. A bird and a rabbit attacked the shadows. The group noticed the bird and rabbit. The bird and Rabbit land near the heroes.

The bird was shown to have bright colors, most of the colors are warm colors. He has accents of cool colors. His eye color is fiery red. He looks like a chibi anime parakeet with head feathers popping like a cockatoo. His tail feathers are long and vivid like a bird of paradise.

The rabbit had medium fluff, with mostly cool colors. She has accents of warm colors. Her cottontail was very fluffy, and she had teal eyes. She looks like a chibi anime rabbit. Like the bird, they were smaller than our heroes. But she's a mammal, unlike her bird companion.

Midori bent down. "Thanks for saving us. Are you Shadow Dusk's friends?" The bird answers "We actually haven't met him. I'm Tori, and I was looking for the new Wildcard." Midori asks "Me?" Tori looked at Midori "You're the new Wildcard?" Midori nods. Tori said "Then I shall mentor you on the ways of a Persona User."

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