Chapter 17: School life preparations

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Dusk returned and saw the Funtimes were trapped. Art told Dusk "It took a trap, and a fight and finally they were caught." Funtime Freddy shouted "We'll get out of here cupcake!" Dusk looked at Funtime Freddy. "Can you not call my friend any creepy nicknames?" Art looked at Funtime Foxy and Funtime Chica "Even you two need to not be creepy."

Night Dash noticed Dusk has a taser. "When were you gonna use the taser?" Dusk said "At the right moment. This is it." He tasers the Funtimes. The Funtimes were zapped. "Maybe we should focus on helping our friends instead of tasering the Funtimes?" Art asked. Batty told her "They deserved it. Funtimes." Dusk nodded and then realized something odd. "The taser didn't seem to shut them down."

Art was worried. "We need to power it!" Look-Out said "So now you want them tasered?" Art retorts "Well I don't want the Funtimes to escape!" Night Dash spoke in a cleared tone. "We need to knock them down so we can destroy them." She picks up a summon card. "Luckily we have an electric friend." She summons Pikachu. Pikachu said "Pikachu!" before looking at Night Dash.

Art told Dusk "I let Night Dash borrow my Pikachu summon card in case she needed a friend." Night Dash told Pikachu "Use thunderbolt on the funtimes Pikachu!" Pikachu uses thunderbolt on the Funtimes. The Funtimes were shut down. Pikachu was brought back to their world. Night Dash gave Art her Pikachu card back. Dusk looked at the group. "It's time."

Batty carried the cage with the shut down Funtime inside. Art makes a portal to Hurricane. "What are we doing with the Funtimes Dusk?" Dusk answers "We're gonna get rid of them." Dusk, Night Dash, Batty, Look-Out and Art went into the portal. The portal soon closed.


Midori and her crew were training with the Shadow Operatives in the location near the cave. As the group continued to use personas in their fights, training them to become stronger, the group was ready to prepare for the next part: school uniforms. And Mitsuru went with Midori and Sakura to get their uniforms, due to the 2 being first year high school students.

They arrived at a clothing store selling uniforms. There's something interesting about the uniforms. There's bags with 3 pins meant for the ties and bows of the uniform: bronze, silver and gold. "Midori asks "Is the school rich?" Sakura answers "Actually those pins are used to distinguish students based on which year a student is in." Mitsuru was intrigued. "I never knew that."

Sakura explains "Bronze represents third year students like you and me, Midori." Midori was intrigued. "I never knew that." Sakura continues. "Silver represents the second year students, Isonash and Kentaro are new second year students when school starts." She has excitement in her eyes. "But the one pin everyone wants to proudly show is the gold pin. Those are third year student pins."

Midori asks "So this means bronze represents starting as a sprout, then silver represents students becoming saplings, and gold means third years are grown trees?" Sakura said "Yes, and I will proudly show those pins for each year. Though we can wear all 3 pins at once on weekends." Midori is intrigued "It'll be like the Olympics! They were originally created to honor Zeus!"

Mitsuru clears her throat. "Ahem." Sakura and Midori looked at Mitsuru. "Your screaming could scare the shopkeeper and the customers." She firmly said "I'm fine." The tailor said as he came over. "Many first year students were buying uniforms for Genki-ippai high school. They fit the meaning of the school name. Free spirited bunch."

Midori looked at her wallet. "How much is the set of uniforms?" The manager said "The set is 100,000 yen." Midori saw she only had 110,000 yen her sister lent her. The 10,000 is for lunch. Midori gave 100,000 yen to the tailor. Sakura gave 100,000 to the tailor as well. The tailor said "Thank you. Have a great day." Midori, Mitsuru and Sakura bow. "Arigato." The 3 left and joined Gufu and Jiyu.

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