Chapter 3

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Karma lost the shine in his eyes. He didn't talk. He wasn't the type of person to express themselves. He keeps all his opinions to himself and bottles up emotions until they overflow. Karma kept thinking back to the day where he broke down in front of Gakushuu.

He felt the urge to cry, but took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. It didn't work. He tripped over his own two feet, and landed on his nose, which was now bleeding. This made his tears come down even faster.

He sprinted up to the main campus, trying to keep down the lump in his throat and ignore the whispers around him. He eventually got to his destination, The abandoned classroom. No one went in there, so it was the perfect spot for Karma.

Karma found some tissues, and started cleaning up his face. After he was all clean, he put his back against the inside of the desk, and hid. He heard footsteps outside, and covered his mouth and tried to slow down his breathing.

He then heard someone open the door, and tried to back himself in the desk more than he already was. "Hello? Is someone here?" Karma recognized the voice, it belonged to Gakushuu Asano. Karma hiccupped, and started breathing even heavier. 

Karma saw the familiar face, and tried to escape, failing miserably. Gakushuu slowly and carefully took Karma in his arms, and put Karma's head in his shoulder. Deja vu hit Karma like bullets to a target.

This made Karma grip onto Gakushuu's shirt, while Gakushuu slowly put Karma in his lap. "Shhh, Your okay. I'm here. You're safe in my arms." Gakushuu whispered in Karma's ear, and a wave of comfort washed over Karma.

"I-I I'm s-sorry, I-I'm just a-a d-distraction." Karma confirmed, feeling the wave of comfort slowly wash away, although it was sill there. "No, you're not. Everyone likes you, they admire you." Gakushuu swayed back and forth.

"N-No, these plastic barbie girls where talking a-about me, they said I was just a waste of space." Karma stuttered out, looking Gakushuu in the eyes. "No, they where wrong about you. You're not a waste of space, and 3-E wouldn't be 3-E without you." Gakushuu kissed Karma's foehead.

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