Chapter 5

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Karma looked in his desk, to find a note. 'Meet me behind the school'  It read, and Karma smirked. He wondered who put the note in his desk. "Looks like someone wants to tell me something~" He cooed, going over to Rio and stating this fact.

"This looks like Nagisa's handwriting." she simply said, very upset that her ship was slowly sinking. "Are you sure?" Karma remarked, a devilish smile on his face. He was back to his old self. "Anyways, I think I should go."

Karma walked to the back of the school, or merely a cliff. Nagisa was standing there, looking down and holding something behind his back. Karma smirked. 'Why not play with his feelings? My parents did teach me to act.'  Karma put on a confused face.

"K-Karma-Kun..." Nagisa stated, looking up at Karma, his heart racing. Karma had anxiety running through him. "I Like you! Please go out with me!" Nagisa bowed, holding out a heart- shaped box full of chocolates. 

"Nagisa I-" Karma was cut off when he felt something warm on his lips. Uh-Oh.

Nagisa bursted through the front door, tears streaming down his face. "Karma! You're cheating on me! You proposed to the brat Asano!" Nagisa punched Asano in the face. Karma's mom slapped Nagisa and held him back. "I never dated you." Kama mumbled. "What?!" Nagisa screamed. 

"I SAID I NEVER DATED YOU, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Karma kicked Nagisa out, and slammed and locked Nagisa in the face. He then went to Asano and-

Gakushuu slapped Karma, but not from anger. "Gakushuu!?" Karma cried, and Nagisa started to cry. "Nagisa, I suggest you kindly cut all contact with Karma until you lose feelings for him." 'Not gonna stop anytime soon.' Karma thought

"B-But He's my boyfriend! I kissed him!" Nagisa said, going to punch Gakushuu. His hand got caught by someone. Nagisa turned around, to see the main campus students, specifically the news club.

"DON' RUIN OUR SHIP!!!" They yelled, dragging Nagisa to who knows where. Karma got up, and started ranting to Gakushuu. Gakushuu hugged Karma to shut him up. "Shut up, You're fine. I'm not mad, although the fangirls are" 

Karm sank in Gakushuu's arms, and took in the comfort of his crush's presence. "Gakushuu! Are you done?" Karma had a heart attack right then and there, because the principle was right behind him. 

"Why hello Karma, I was just going to have a talk with your teacher, I wanted Gakushuu to know about your 'Secret'" The principle remarked, and started walking to the teacher's lounge. Karma wasn't sure about this, and gripped Gakushuu's hand, just in case.

And as Karma predicted, Gakushuu was now questioning life in the corner of his room, while  Karma was cuddling Gakushuu back to his senses.

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