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I can't believe we are actually here.

SM school for the performing arts.

But obviously problem starts quickly.....

Random slut: hey Sehun!

Sehun: hi Hae Ra...

Hae Ra: who's this slut...

Sehun: don't talk like that

Hae Ra: it's okay Sehun she needs to learn her place. That I'm queen of this school and that your my boyfriend.

Sehun: actually Hae Ra I never said we were going out. And Jamie here is my girlfriend.

Hae Ra: what! Really?

Jamie: yes really! Goodbye now (slut)

Hae Ra: oh okay then. I'll see you around Jamie. You better watch your back.


Sehun: forget about Hae Ra I'll see you at lunch.

Jamie: we don't have any classes together?

Sehun: unfortunately no.










teacher: ok everyone welcome Jamie she will dance to a song so we will see what group she goes in.

Ugh the slut is in this class. Ahh there are some cute boys...wait I have a boyfriend.

Teacher: what song will you dance to.

Jamie:....umm history.

Teacher: oh that's a good one. Performed by our very own Exo. You can start when your ready.





I danced and gave it my all just like my audition.

Teacher: that was impressive. What do you think Hae Ra

Hae Ra smirked at me.

She began to whisper to the teacher.

Teacher: unfortunately it wasn't the best. I'm putting you in 3rd group.

Group 1=can't dance

Group 2=they can get by

Group 3= you're good just not that good

Group 4= bound to be dancers of a group.

Random guy: she serves group 4. She's just a good a dancer as me.

Teacher: I'm sorry's final.Now....time is up make your way to your next class.

I headed to the bathroom.

The door opened and in walked Hae Ra.

Hae Ra: I told you I will make your life hell for taking my man.

Jamie: he was never yours and anyways he doesn't like sluts.

Hae Ra: that's it bitch

Hae Ra lunged at me. After minutes of brutal hits I blacked out.

What is Love? (an Exo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now