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I woke up in a cold sweat. The hairs on my neck and back were stand on end. My hormones won't sit still.

It was all a dream. I run out the room to find Sehun handing a man some money. The man hands Sehun 5 extremely large boxes that I make out to!

I walk into the livingroom when he closed the door.

Sehun: how are you sleeping beauty?

Me: I-Im fine

Sehun puts the pizza on the counter grabs my face and looks me deep in the eye.

I couldn't meet his eyes.

Sehun: *smirk* You dreamt about me

Me: *blush madly* NO!

Sehun: sure sure

I redirected the topic of the CONVO.

Me: who's gonna eat all this pizza

Sehun: we are of course

Me: but there's 5 boxes

Sehun: I invited everyone else over too

Me: oh

Sehun: I'll shower first.

Me: k

As soon as I heard the pipe go on, the door bell rang. I already expected the rest of Exo so I opened the door.

Suho: hey Jamie

Me: hi oppa.

Kai: hey so did you and Sehun continue where you left off? *smirk*

Luhan: what are you talking about?

Kai: this morning I walked in on Sehun and Jamie....and Jamie didnt have a shirt on.

Me: Nothing happened.

Rest of Exo: What?! What were u guys thinking! What were you gonna do.

Luhan got up and left the apartment.

Chen: what's wrong with him?

Xiumin: this is gonna be the party of the year!

Me: what party?

Chanyeol: Sehun said you guys were throwing a party and he invited most of the student body.

Me: oh

It's just a party right? Nothing could go wrong. But boy was I wrong!

Within the next hour there were so many people that we had to push most of the furniture down the hall.

Some people were drunk and dancing on each other. I also caught a glimpse of Hae Ra. Who invited her?

Sehun stumbled up to me.

Sehun: How you doing James.

Me: Sehun your drunk go lay down in the room

Sehun: don't be a party pooper. The fun just started.

Jamie: you are gonna get hurt lay down

Sehun: lay off me a bit. Jeez. Women are so clingy. This bitch can't take a hint.

With that said he left. Is it just the alcohol talking or is that Sehun's real feelings coming out.

I saw Luhan come back.

The rest of the night I tried to enjoy myself. I didn't drink any alcohol but I danced with Exo till I fell asleep.





I woke up on the couch and everyone was gone. I saw the disheveled bodies of the Exo members.

I got up and walked to my room. I opened the door and saw 2 naked bodies in my bed.

Sehun was with Hae Ra last night?

Someone's hands covered my eyes, locked the door, and pulled me towards them.

I looked up and met eyes with Luhan.

Tears streamed down my face and Luhan pulled me into his embrace.

Luhan: it's gonna be ok. I'm here. Come on let's get out of here. Aish....that kid.

Luhan put me on his back and carried me to their dorm room.


Ok guys here's chapter 11. I hope you like it.

I'm sorry it took long this time. School is catching up to me and boy is it running fast.

Anyways till next time. Please comment and vote.

~lots of love~



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