chapter 1 - secrets

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[.....i love you Robin.....]

nancy wheeler. she was hawkins high school's badass. well, depends on who you ask. to a lot of people she was nancy 'the slut' wheeler. but she liked to think she was the high schools badass. if only they knew what she was like with a firearm in her hand.

"wha- JONATHAN!!!" her boyfriend had pulled her out of the hallways of the school and into the lockers. his arms were wrapped around the curly headed girls torso and she was giggling from the touch.
"hey" jonathan said smiling. nancy turned around in his arms, hers bent upright against her own chest.
"you're an idiot byers"
"naww really?" jonathan questioned nancy on her statement.
"a cute idiot" she continued, leaning in to kiss jonathan.
"UGHHHH" the pair heard the blonde shout out. nancy knew that voice.
"can you guys be cute and couply somewhere else and not on my locker?" it was robin. robin buckley was nancy's blonde and tall best friend. they were complete opposites in every way but that's what made her so fun to hang out with. each time they hung out with eachother it felt like an adventure.
"yeah i agree. get a room losers" robin's other best friend was right next to her. steve harrington. steve and nancy used to date before jonathan started dating nancy. she liked him but it wasn't love. then again, nancy's still not sure if she totally and 100% loves jonathan either. but that was for her to figure out. for now, nancy would shove that feeling deep in the back of her mind until it crept it's way back up to the front.
nancy and jonathan were smiling at steve's remark.
"guys?" robin asked the pair.
"oh shit sorry" jonathan said pulling his 5'3 girlfriend off the lockers.
"nancy we still on to work on that history project tonight? i'm still very much incapable to do it by myself" robin smiled at nancy.
"yes robin which reminds me" nancy turned around to talk to her 'not-much-taller-then-her' boyfriend.
"i'm gonna have to take a raincheck tonight" nancy spoke to jonathan, jonathan frowning in the process.
"awww god dammit buckley. fine. as long as she's not too tired to hang out tomorrow" jonathan said to robin.
"promise she'll be back in your arms tomorrow. but for now, she's in mine" robin threw an arm around nancy. nancy blushed and giggled at the thought of her best friend and boyfriend fighting over her. jonathan rolled his eyes and the two girls walked off, robin shouting
"thanks byers!" with her arm still around nancy. they walked out of the school like this but once in the school's parking lot robin dropped her arm, sliding her hand into her jacket pocket. the pair walked over to nancy's car. robin slid into her special spot in the front seat and nancy sat in the drivers seat.
"still here?" robin reached forward to feel the engraving on nancy's front seat compartment flap.
"you do this every time robin, yes our initials are still there" nancy started the car. robin smiled at the engravement.

*2 months earlier*

the two were hanging out in nancy's car after robin finished work. they were laughing their heads off about something, eating ice cream and just simply enjoying each other's presence.
"i want to remember this" robin said to her best friend.
"okay?" nancy said confused at what robin was trying to say.
robin rolled her chair back and sat on the floor of the car with her pocket knife in hand.
"may i?" she asked nancy before totally marking her car forever.
"it's already a little dinged up after mind-flayed billy so sure. may as well" robin smiled at nancy's answer. she dug her knife into the compartment flap carving a heart around what seemed to say "n + r BFFS"
"what does it say?" nancy asked her
"nancy plus robin, bffs" nancy smiled. she looked down at her ice cream cone, playing with the 'Scoops Ahoy' wrapper that the cone was sitting in. she blushed a little bit.
nancy truly loved her best friend. she loved her for bringing out the side of nancy that no one really sees. the 'i can be fun!' nancy wheeler. the side of her that wasn't armed with guns or making out with her boyfriend. hanging out with robin was the first time nancy ever felt truly free. if only nancy knew.
"aaaand...done!" robin pulled her knife away from the plastic, tucking it into the pocket of the car door. nancy leaned forward to see what her friend had done. she smiled once again at the defaced compartment door.
"i love it" nancy said with only pure joy and love in her voice. robin looked over at her friend. there were moments in robin's head when she knew she loved nancy. she knew that they would be best friends forever, and that she would fight to keep it that way. this was one of those moments and robin was even happier now that she had marked it.

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