chapter 5 - fortunate meetings

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[ you want it to be forever?.....]

"WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO GOT TO DO WITH IT" max scream-sang along to the radio as she danced in her seat.
"maxxxx shut up!" mike yelled from the behind max's seat.
"you're just jealous of me wheeler!" she spat back, still movin' and groovin' next to nancy who was driving.
"jealous of you how mayfield?" he questioned the redhead.
"well i am dating the total cutie you were pining over for the past few years" max turned around and winked at el causing her to blush.
"i'm sorry what?!" will's mouth dropped open and he looked at el who was sitting next to him.
"el and max are dating?" lucas asked from the very very back of the car. he looked at dustin excitedly.
"FINALLY!" dustin exclaimed doing a little fist pump in the air.
"only took you guys like two decades" lucas responded and the two reminisced of el & max moments in the back together.
"i can't even hear what dustin and lucas are talking about back there but" max's volume increased "it better be good!" she said pointing back to the boys who were totally fan-girling.
"how did it happen?" will asked his sister.
"well remember when max slept over a couple weeks ago?" el replied to her brother.
"yeah of course, i gave you guys a beginners tutorial on DnD" will said grinning from ear to ear remembering the night. el and max were always sweet to will. they definitely did not treat the rest of the boys the same way but they had their reasons. plus, the rest of the boys were too invested in other things to pay attention to will. but el and max did and he loved spending time with them. even when they did trick him into them doing his makeup. he liked it but he'll never admit that.
"yeah well we were in bed when max started talking about how glad she is that we didn't move away. and how if we did, she wouldn't know how to handle herself" el's face went kind of cold bringing up the move. max noticed and took over telling the story.
"yeah and i realised i couldn't live without el. well i mean i could but i would much rather not. i don't want to imagine a world without my girl. so i told her how i felt and she felt the same. i'm more then happy it worked out" max held her hand out to el and el took it in gently. nancy heard max say those words and she immediately felt a relation. her heart ached for robin in a way that she hadn't felt before.
"nawww BLEAUGH!" mike said imitating someone gagging "enough sappy love stories, you guys are making me happy" he tried to hide his smile by looking out the window.
"i'm glad there's a heart somewhere inside your cavernous body" max smirked back at the boy and he flipped her off in a joking way.
"i'm so happy for you two" will smiled at each of the girls.
"yeah" nancy mumbled still thinking about robin. she pulled into the parking lot of the new starbound mall (a clear rip off of starcourt mall) and everyone jumped out.

"oh my gosh what do we even do first?" el asked, still shocked by the colours and lights of her surroundings.
"clothes" max said pointing at the stores on the bottom floor.
"ha ha uhh no" mike replied "we will be going....not there. cmon dustin" mike grabbed dustin's arm and the two left to the otherside of the mall.
"back here in an hour!" nancy yelled out. mike just gave a thumbs up and soon enough they were out of sight.
"i'll come clothes shopping with you!" will volunteered to spend time with the girls.
"yeah i'm gonna chase after mike and dustin. i think i can still see them" he ran off too.
"okay then lets go!" nancy lead the group into the first clothes shop. everyone took a look around and max pulled out some things to try on. nancy pulled out a floral maxi dress and she thought of what she wore to the picnic with robin. she held it close to her chest and will saw.
"you okay nance?" he tapped on the girls shoulder.
"yeah of course" she faked a smile.
"didn't you wear something like that to the picnic with robin? i remember because i thought it was gorgeous"
"y-yeah. yeah i did"
'ouch' nancy thought. she didn't want to will to bring up robin further so she told will she was gonna check on the girls. nancy knocked on the door of max's change-room and asked if she was okay. el was sitting just outside it. max opened the door and out walked a completely new person. she was wearing a black long sleeved maxi dress that had red rose accents scattered across it. el stood up quickly and the trio looked at max with wide eyes.
"is this okay? why are you guys staring at me" max spoke up nervously.
"100/10" will praised.
"i will pay for that dress for you to have" nancy spoke up too.
"max you don't really wear dresses do you?" el asked her girlfriend even though she already knew the answer. the question caused max to pull at the sleeves.
"no i don't" she responded nervously.
"please start wearing them" el said smiling at the love of her life standing in front of her. max beamed.
"but i don't even know what i'll wear it to" her face dropped.
"you'll find some event" nancy said looking at el "but go get changed i wanna look in a different store" nancy closed the door.
"she really did look beautiful" will turned to his sister "maybe she could wear that to a date you guys go on"
"yeah. i think so" el thought about max and how much she has affected her in the best ways possible.

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