chapter 3 - unfinished endings

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['re mine.....]

"spit it out."
nancy's cheeks went red. her stomach was filled with so many butterflies that she thought they would fly out of her nose.
"i just really need to talk to jonathan about it. i can't keep doing this to him" nancy's throat croaked and she started to cry "i can't"
robin hated seeing nancy sad. every time she was sad she just wanted to wrap her up in a million blankets and give her a cup of tea.
"nance i promise you that jonathan will understand" that was a lie. robin had no fucking clue whether or not jonathan would understand. she just hoped that he would be nice to her when she opens up to him.
nancy nodded "you should probably go home. get some rest okay?" nancy nodded again, this time with a smile.
"thanks robin"
"i'll see you soon nance" robin closed the window and sat up against her wall. she liked how nancy often confided in her. she liked how nancy knew she was able to trust her. she just adored her in general. robin popped her head up and watched nancy walk back to her car. she knew she shouldn't but deep down inside she wanted to run after nancy and hug her. that feeling grew as nancy walked further away.
"fuck it" robin whispered to herself as she burst out of her room and through the front door.
"nancy!" the brunette turned around and there were still tears on her cheeks and in her eyes.
"robin" nancy tried to wipe away the lingering droplets on her face. "is everything-" robin wrapped her arms around nancy before she could finish her sentence. nancy was taken aback but hugged her back anyways. nancy dug her face into robin's shirt and a little smile grew on both of the girls faces. they both pulled back after a bit and robin looked down at her shirt that was a little damp from nancy's tears.
"oh yeah, sorry" nancy smiled knowing the other girl would forgive her.
"that's okay. im happy i can be there for you. your shoulder to cry on. literally" nancy chuckled a little.
"did you just come out here to hug me?" nancy asked while kicking a little rock around with her foot.
"yeah. kinda"
nancy wanted it to be more then just 'kinda'. she wanted it to be more then just friends. she wanted robin to be hers and only hers.
"well i was thinking and maybe could we go out for a picnic tomorrow? it's supposed to be a nice day out"
nancy's stomach filled with butterflies again and she smiled at the thought of spending more time with robin.
"yeah! yeah i would like to. can i pick you up?"
"oh no nancy wheeler. this is going to be a robin-style event. i'll pick you up this time don't you even worry"
nancy giggled "but you don't have a car?"
"but i do have a bike!" nancy buried her face in her hands.
"i can't believe i'm agreeing to this but sure. let's do it"
"sweet" robin started to walk back to her house "i'll pick you up at 11 okay? bring snacks!"
"see you then" robin smiled once she knew nancy was okay. she then turned around and walked back into the warmth of her home.
nancy couldn't stop smiling. she obviously loved spending time with robin but they usually just study with each other or nancy will pick up robin from work. they don't go on picnic dates with each other.

"oh my god she's actually doing it" nancy whispered under her breath as she saw robin pull up to the kerb on her bike.
"hey nance! you ready?" nancy smiled at the girls audacity and sat behind her.
"whoaa okay no no no you've gotta hold onto me" robin said seriously.
"put your arms around my waist, you're going to fall off otherwise"
"oh okay" nancy's arms snaked around robin's waist and her hands joined in the front.
"and we're off" robin spoke quietly as they rode off on their way to the park. it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly and the birds were out singing happily.
"it is a gorgeous day" nancy said admiring the view. she then leaned the side of her head on robin's back. nancy didn't feel nervous or anxious like she normally does when she's outside. she felt calm knowing she had someone so important to her with her.
"okay wheeler. we're here" robin rode up to the empty field of grass and they both got off. they set up the blanket and food and sat down.
"we don't usually do things like this do we?" robin asked the brunette.
"uh no not really. we should though"
robin laid down and looked up into the sky. nancy giggled "what in the world are you doing robin?"
"looking at the clouds" robin peered at nancy to see her reaction. nancy just smiled and laid down next to her.
"hey that one looks like a cat" nancy said pointing up into the sky.
"all i see is a white blob of cloud" the two laughed at robin's reply. nancy reached into her pocket and grabbed out the surprise she had for her best friend. she sat up and held the item in her hand and looked at it for a little while, contemplating whether or not to give it to robin now or later
"what's wrong nance?"
"oh um. i got you something"
"oh?" robin sat up and looked at nancy's hand.
"it's a necklace. i got us matching ones" nancy held her own necklace that she had already put on and showed it to robin. robin beamed. she couldn't say anything because she couldn't stop smiling at the other girl's gesture.
"do you like them?" nancy asked nervously.
"i love them nancy" the two girls sat there for a couple seconds smiling at each other.
"you have to help me put it on though because i cannot do it by myself" robin asked. nancy snapped out of her trance when she realised robin asked her a question.
"oh y-yeah of course" robin turned around and nancy moved robin's hair out of the way. she brought the necklace to the front of robin's neck and strung it around meeting the two ends at the back of her neck. she clasped it together gently.
"all done" nancy said. her stomach was littered with butterflies again. she really liked robin and this was her way of showing it.
robin turned back around and saw nancy's facial expression.
"you okay nance?" robin put her hand on nancy's.
"yeah. im okay. just thinking" nancy responded slowly.
"thinking about what?" robin was intrigued.
nancy wanted to kiss robin. she thought it was the perfect time to.
"i don't know. just thinking" nancy said instead of kissing her.
"well can i help in any way?" robin offered.
"um yeah i think you can" nancy looked at robin's lips then back up to her eyes. robin blushed a little and broke the 5 second silence.
"okay just say the word and i'll help" nancy nodded. she was focused on the thought of kissing robin. she literally wanted to do nothing else but that right now. the two girls were sat cross legged in front of one another. they were still holding hands and nancy was staring into robin's ocean blue eyes. robin was still confused as to what in the world was going on.
"nance is every-" nancy put her hand on robins neck which made robin stutter a little
"everything okay?" nancy nodded and leaned in.

nancy kissed robin.

robin was shocked but eased after a couple seconds of kissing nancy. robin let go of nancy's hand and nancy thought that was a sign to let go of the kiss. nancy moved away from robin's lips. robin gave a little uncomfortable smile to nancy. not because she was uncomfortable but because she didn't know how else to respond to what just happened. nancy's eyes went wide when she realised she actually just kissed her best friend.
"fuck. i am so sorry robin"
"nance it's okay i promise"
"no no it's not okay i kissed you without asking i am so sorry"
"nancy stop it's okay"
"shit i really messed up" nancy stressed over the situation. robin put her hand on nancy's cheek to calm her down.
"it's okay. i promise. it's fine. alright?"
nancy nodded and asked one more time for reassurance "are you sure?"
"yes. it's okay. i promise." nancy's shoulders relaxed and she laid back down.
"if i knew you were going to do that then i would have had some gum before" robin said to ease the obvious tension in the air. nancy giggled and covered her face in her hands to hide her red cheeks.
"stop i'm already embarrassed enough"
"it's nothing to be embarrassed about. we can keep this between us if that would make you feel better" nancy nodded in agreement "i promise" robin said reassuring nancy. robin held out her pinky finger to the other girl "pinky promise?" she asked nance. nancy interlocked her pinky with robin's
"pinky promise." the two girls smiled at each other. nancy looked back up into the sky.
"oh what the fuck" she said as she saw a big grey cloud hover over hawkins.
"what?" robin asked as she also looked up. "oh shit nance we should go"
"yeah absolutely" the pair quickly tried to pack up their stuff but as they were doing so it started to rain.
"shit!!! they said it would be sunny!" robin yelled out to nancy.
"they're all dumbasses!" nancy replied. the girls had finished packing their stuff up and robin held out her hand to nance and she took it. they both ran up to the road where robin put her bike and jumped on it, racing back to the wheeler's house.
"maybe this was a bad idea?!" nancy yelled over the noisiness of the rain.
"i beg to differ. i still had fun!" robin called out which made nancy smile. they pulled up to the wheelers house and nancy told robin to come inside.
"robin you can't ride back in this! not by yourself!" nancy argued.
"fine fine let's go!" they dropped the bike and ran inside and up the stairs to nancy's room. 'thank god no one's home' robin thought.
"holy shit" nancy muttered under her breath.
"i know. glad we're back" robin spoke back. nancy nodded and robin started to giggle at nancy.
"what? do i have something on my face?"
"yes! come 'ere. your hair is plastered to your cheeks" robin voiced. nancy moved closer to robin and robin took nancy's chin in between her thumb and forefinger. robin gently moved the curls away from nancy's skin and tucked them behind her ears. nancy watched the girl's focus as she did so and was in awe of how well robin looked after nancy.
"aaaaand" robin moved one last piece away from her cheek "done! oh gosh nance your cheeks are really cold" robin says placing a hand on nancy's cheeks to feel the temperature of them.
"yeah hah. i get cold easily"
"i can tell" robin said in a deep but gentle voice. the blonde moved closer staring into nancy's eyes. "here" robin placed her other hand on nancy's other cheek in attempt to warm her up.
"better?" nancy was frozen. not frozen cold but frozen still. she was so close to nance and robin's warm hands on her cheeks were warming her heart too.
"y-yeah. thanks robin" nancy stuttered, the two still staring at each other. robin knew what she was doing to nancy and she liked playing games like these. robin smiled a little not only from the other girl's response. but because she knew she was getting to nance.
"hmm i can only assume" robin spoke slowly.
"assume what?" nancy asked, intrigued on what robin would say next.
"that your lips are cold too." robin's reply sent butterflies to nancy's stomach, a feeling that she obviously was familiar to. the only thing nancy could do was nod in agreement with her best friend. 
"well. that won't do" robin inched closer to nancy's face and moved one of her hands down to wrap around nancy's waist. the two girls were insanely close together. robin moved even closer until the two were inches away from each other.
"is this okay?" robin whispered. nancy nodded and wrapped one of her arms around robin's neck.
"is this okay?" nancy mustered enough courage up to ask robin.
"definitely" robin replied, moving closer to nance and finally reaching her lips with her own. robin's hands shifted to hold nancy's face and nancy's hands moved around robin's waist. the two were closer then they had ever been before and neither of them wanted to back down. eventually they had to and the two pulled back both looking at each other with wide eyes.
"holy shit" nancy said within a breath
"holy shit indeed wheeler" robin leaned in to kiss nancy once again. robin wanted to kiss nancy for the rest of time. and nancy wanted the same.

a/n omg kissy kissy
idek what i'm doing with this anymore, i hope it's okay. i mainly just write fanfic cause it's fun and an extra lil' hobby. anyyyyywayz what's gonna happen in chapter 4 🔜

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