Chapter 2

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Victoria's Pov:

The estimated time from Los Angeles to New York is approximately forty hours. But going on a flight is only 5-6 hours which luckily is what we were going on. It was a twenty-five minute drive to the airport so once we arrived, all the men grabbed my bags and headed to the door. We didn't have to go through security or anything as Aiden's mafia has a deal with pretty much everyone. Aiden's men surrounded us like a bunch of shields as he held my hand to not lose me in the crowd of them, we were then at the back of the airport where all the planes were located, we headed towards a luxurious private jet that he owned. The stairs that lead up to the jet were already down waiting for us, a pilot at the front. I go up the stairs first with Aiden behind me I go in and behind me I hear the pilot greet Aiden.

"Mr Romano, pleasure seeing you again." He greets. But all Aiden does is ignore him and puts his attention towards me. He pointed to a two seater and I sat on the window side of it and he sat next to me. He grabbed my chin softly so I was looking at his face directly,

"Are you feeling alright Victoria?" He questioned. I nodded at him slightly, not wanting to speak at the moment. I turned my head to the window and he intertwined our fingers, the warm presence of him near me. He kisses my hand that is with his and I lay my head on his shoulder, starting to become tired from all the commotion. I shut my eyes and it seems he has to, I open one eye a little bit and he has closed both of his eyes. I go back to closing both and it seems I had drifted to sleep.

Aiden's pov:

There she was, her soft, straight brown hair lying on my shoulder and hers, her head resting on my shoulder as well. My first plan was to shoot Courtney and Blake Hansley, her parents. They were in massive debt with my mafia and they weren't gonna pay it any time soon. But when she walked through that door, I knew she was better than the biggest amount of money anyone would want. The thing is, I already knew about her for years. I had men watch her and her parents incase anything was spoken about us but she was never involved with the mafia to my concern. She had a clean slate but her parents were guilty of many cruel things and death should've been upon on them. I look at her with sadness in my face, one of my men in charge of watching her told me that her parents never gave in effort of attention to her, just like mine. We were quite a like which what makes us a perfect match. I hope she sees that sooner or later.

We were three hours in now so we would be landing in New York at around 11:30pm so near midnight. It was currently 9:25pm and I didn't want Victoria hungry for the rest of the flight, I tap her arm and quietly said her name.

"Victoria, Victoria.." I said quietly. The rest of my men were asleep so I was the only one awake. She woke up and shook her head, lightly scratching her head a bit and questiongly looking at me.

"Whaaat?." she exaggerates her voice. It was charming seeing her tired because she was so peaceful. I point to the window and we both turn out heads to look, my head on her shoulder as she gazes at the hundreds of city lights.

"What city is this?" She asks.

"Chicago, it's beautiful isn't it?" I tell her.

"Yeah it really is. How far now?" She asks, I tell her around two hours. She bangs the head of the seat lightly in frustration as she looks at me in the eyes. Her light brown eyes show very dimmed as the plane is dark. I would love to take her somewhere, just us two.

"Have you been to Chicago before?" I ask. She nods sideways,

"I haven't left LA before, my parents never allowed me." She sighs. What a bunch of cazzi (dicks).

"I'll take you anywhere you want in the world Bellissma. I'll take you to Chicago first since you show so much interest." I smirk at her, she looks down to her hands in her lap, her face rushing with redness and a big smile. Her smile, gosh.

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