⚠️ Reunited Once Again ⚠️ (Ch. 2)

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⚠️TW⚠️: Contains Family Abuse

It was a clear day outside and Toya was walking on the sidewalk to his piano class. People walking by didn't think much of a little kid walking alone, typically since it was a small town and most people knew each other. Besides Toya's piano class wasn't too far from home.

Toya reached the intersection, as he was waiting for the light to turn green with a passenger shown he saw Akito in the far distance of a soccer field.

("Wow! Isn't that Akito!? I haven't seen him in a while, I should stop by and say hi. I'm sure he will remember me right?")

The light turned green signaling it was okay to cross. Toya ran to get pass the group of people also walking by to get across. Toya huffing and puffing trying to catch his breath made it safely across the intersection.

"I made it! Toya said proudly, Now time to see Akito!"

Upon arriving to the soccer field, Toya saw lots of boys his age having fun and laughing while they were kicking a ball around. He found Akito sitting on a brown wooden bench smiling and laughing amongst his other teammates so he thought it would be a good idea to just sit on the bleachers and wait till they were done.

"Shinonome!" The coach yelled, "Get back on the field!"

Akito got off and started running to his position

("Akito's On!" Toya thought to himself upon seeing him on the field.)

They all play an epic game of soccer (I'm to lazy to write about it 🥲)

Toya ended up staring and admiring the wonderful game with awe.

"Way to go everyone! If we keep playing like this I am sure we can with the championship!" The coach exclaimed.

"Good job team!" Akito said among giving everyone a high five to hype them up.

Akito went to go grab his water bottle when he saw a familiar face sitting on the bleachers.

("Wait a minute... isn't that Toya!?")

"Bye everyone see you guys tomorrow!!" Akito said while he rushed to gather his things and ran to the boy sitting on the bleachers.

"Isn't that weird?" Teammate 1 said.

"Now that you mentioned it, it kind of is! Doesn't he always stay last?" Teammate 3 said.

"I totally agree with you." Teammate 2 says.

"Now, now guys, don't worry about that I'm sure it's normal, why don't we all drop this conversation and head home, I'm sure you all are tired." The coach said.

"TOYAAA!!! IS THAT YOU!?" Akito says while running and screaming at the top of his lungs.

"YES ITS ME AKITOO!" Toya yells back.

Toya gets down and starts running towards Akito. They both jump into each other giving a big hug and falling onto the grass.

They stay like that for a few minutes.

"You were amazing Akito! I didn't know you play soccer!" Toya says while getting up and helping Akito up.

"Yeah I do! I've played for quite awhile now, thanks for the compliment. I was really happy to see you again!" He says.

"Me too! I'm so glad I saw you today." Toya says.

"What brings you here anyways?" Akito questions.

"Oh! I was just walking and happened to see you in this field when I was on my way to piano clas—es.." says Toya now frightened.

"Oh no! My dad is going to kill me!" Toya says panicking. "I needed to be at classes hours ago! It's now to late to go!"

"Ah! I'm so sorry for you Toya! Hopefully nothing goes wrong or your dad doesn't know!" Akito says reassuring Toya.

"I hope so!" Toya says feeling a bit calmer.

"I'll let you go now, goodbye!" Akito says trying not to take anymore time away from Toya.

"Goodbye!!" Toya yells trying to run back home as soon as possible.
(Arriving upon the Aoyagi Home)

⚠️ TW⚠️

Toya opens the door, to see his father sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

Frighten, Toya quick closes the door and tries to get to his bedroom as soon as possible. Walking up the stairs he hears his father say in a very cold tone,

"I heard you didn't go to piano lessons today? Was it really that fun to miss out on them after I tell you to stop skipping!?"

Toya stopped and looked back

Trembling and stuttering he says, "I'm sorry father, I didn't mean to skip lessons, I really didn't!! It's just that I—

Toya's father slaps him hard across the face leaving a red palm marking


Toya with tears coming down his eyes runs to his bedroom and shuts the door loudly leaving a loud BAM! echo across the home.
Final word count: 852
Chapter word count: 818

HELP- this actually takes longer than anticipated 😭 well I hope you enjoy this chapter 🥲 it's personally almost 3am for me sooo yay for me I guess😨??

A Day Without You: Akitoya | Project Sekai (ONGOING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora