Happy Where I am Right Now! (Ch. 3) | Short Chapter

500 11 77


Aoyagi Home
It is very sunny outside, sunshine shines through the windows of Toya's room filling them with a nice warm feeling. Toya wakes out to the sound of his alarm and starts to get ready for school.

*Ding! His phone lights up to one new message. Toya goes over to see it's from Akito.

| Akito ♡︎ - Online |
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| "Meet me at our usual spot near the park, |
| we can walk to school together, see you |
| there!" - Akito |
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| "Sure thing, I'll see you there!" -Toya |
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(This was very time consuming to do 😨 )

("It has been so many years since I've been friends with Akito, he's an amazing friend and changed my life completely. I'm so glad I met him!", Toya thought to himself.)

"I bet start and get going, I don't want to keep him waiting." Toya mumbled to himself.

Upon arriving to the meeting spot

("Just as I suspected Akito was already there waiting for me. Gosh, now I do feel a bit bad for taking a while, I don't even know how long he's been here." )

I slowly walk up to him

"Hey there Akito! Sorry to keep you waiting for long." Says Toya in a slightly worried tone.

"No worries! I'm just glad you made it safely here! Akito says reassuring me."

I blush a small tint of red

"Y-Yeah.. thanks! We should start heading to school shouldn't we?"

"We should, we wouldn't want to be late since last time I got scolded by the professor for arriving late." Akito says, laughing at the memory.

We continue to walk and chat about the most randomness things including ideas for our next performance until we arrive.

("I can't help but feel very safe whenever I'm with Akito, he's truly something" Toya thinks to himself.)

"Well, I'll see you later at lunch! Akito says as giving me a pat on the back."

Toya smiles and blushes a bit bad f red

"Yeah... I'll see you at lunch!"

Toya walks to his classroom and sits down at his desk waiting for the professor to start today's lesson.

("What is this feeling I always get when I'm with Akito? He's so magnificent and perfect, he's very special to me I can't help but just admire him all day. WAIT- ... Do I love him!? Will he like me back if I told him, I mean I feel like I've had this feeling for so long. We've been friends since forever, he'll understand right? He won't ditch me, I'm sure of it. Hm.... I guess I'll finally get this feeling off my chest and confess my feelings to him tomorrow, it's the weekend possibly nothing could go wrong, right?" )

Thoughts fill Toya's mind as for what he will be expected  to do tomorrow to finally clear things up.

Chapters word count: 467
Final word count: 508

(HELP- I don't even know what perspectives I'm writing in anymore cause they keep changing throughout the story😨
Welp- guess I can't do much but continue sooo sorry if there's confusion or anything 😭)

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