chapter 3

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Dylan and I walked down the too familiar path that lead to where demi was I smiled as we reached her tomb stone someone must of visited recently because fresh new flowers replaced the ones I had left there the last time. Dylan placed the flowers we had brought on the side of the stone where it had barely fit due to millions of things surrounding her tomb stone "hey mommy" Dylan spoke as if she were there but I always felt like if she was standing right beside me when we came here. "guess what? daddy says im going to kinder garden next month im a real big boy now"! he exclaimed excitedly I laughed at his excitement he always talked as if her could see her when we came here sometimes I even believed he could. Dylan sat in front of her tomb stone in silence he did this every time we came her like if he was a having a silent conversation with her I don't really speak much when I come here with Dylan as see it as  a time for him to somehow bond with his mother. Half an hour later as the sun began to set I decided it was time to go. "Dylan say good bye we have to go now" I said "bye mommy I missies you and I love you" he said before grabbing my hand and following me back to the car. "would you like to here more of the story"? I asked Dylan as I started the long drive back to the house when I got no reply I looked in the rearview mirror to see Dylan was fast asleep in his booster seat." You know I really miss you angel I miss seeing your face in the morning I miss seeing that beautiful smile I even miss that evil glare you give to people when you don't get your way but I especially miss getting to hold you or just spending time with you and Dylan. Remember when we just sit in silence holding hands during long car rides I guess I just miss you sometimes I just want to pretend like your just on tour in another country and you'll be home in a few days I really wish that was the situation right now...". *Flash back* I was sleeping when my phone let out a loud  ring at first I was annoyed  that  someone would really call me at 3 am but when I noticed it was demi I quickly answered she was away on a European tour so I didn't mind her calling so late "hello"? I answered "Wilmer?" she whimpered her voice sounded like she had been crying "my angel what's the matter" I said suddenly very worried "I want to go home I miss you too much" she sniffed "I know its silly but I just feel so lonely right now I don't know how im going to survive the next two months" she cried "its not silly I miss you too angel but ill see you in two weeks I promise but for right know we're going to have to Skype and call everyday" I said trying to ease her mind "but that's not cutting it right know" demi whined "I wish you could hold me right now I could really use it right now" demi laughed "I wish I could too but right now ill talk to you all night if you need me too angel" I said mid yawn "no baby your tried you go too sleep hearing your voice has made me feel so much better goodnight I love you" she said "goodnight love you my angel" I said hanging up little did she know in the next 3 hours I would be on a plane to Loudon.

I wish it was that simple now I wish I could be on a plane and in a matter of hours she cold be in my arms all over again I just wish I could hold her one last time I thought as  I wiped the few tears that escaped from my eyes as I carried Dylan back into the house

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