chapter 4

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A few weeks had past and I was on my way to go pick Dylan up from Demi's older sister Dallas's house she was baby sitting while I was at work I'm currently  producing an album for a new and up coming artist. I took a break from acting and starting producing more after demi died there was something about producing albums that made me feel a closer connection to demi even though she isn't here. I pulled up to Dallas's house where she lived with her husband mike and their twins Matthew and Melody. When I rang the doorbell Dallas answered she stood there with paint covering 90 percent of her body. "what happened to you"? I asked stepping inside the house "children" she stated then let out a small laugh. I followed her out to the back yard where all three kids stood covered in paint "dad"! Dylan yelled before running over to me "hey champ what happened to you"? I asked ruffling his hair "I made something for mommy's birwthday look"! he said pointing to a large piece of paper laying on the floor it read happy birwthday mommy under that Dylan had attempted to paint a picture of him and demi. Demi's birthday was in a couple days and me and Dylan always did something special on that day. "its beautiful champ mommy would love it" I said with a smile it always amazes me on how much he loved his mother even though he was so young when she passed but I always managed to keep her memory alive sometimes it seemed like she was just simply away for a couple of days. "Alright champ lets get going" I said as Dylan pouted "no please can we stay a little longer pwease"!? Dylan begged I laughed at his attempt to give me his best puppy dog eyes "its fine with me but you have to ask auntie Dallas" I said looking over to dallas who had managed to change her clothes while Dylan showed me his painting "pwease awntie Dallas" Dylan begged hugging Dallas's legs " ok fine but you guys have to get changed first" Dallas said sternly all three kids nodded before the boys race upstairs while melody trailed behind them because running was just to "manly" for her.

After dinner Dallas and I were sitting in the living room discussing the newest things happening in our lives which always ended up being conversation about the latest stunts the kids had pulled, middle of our conversation the three little munchkins came running in  "Daddy can you tell us another part of the story" Dylan asked "pwease uncle willy" melody begged "yes Id loved to hear some Wilmer"  Dallas said nudging me slightly "okay fine I'll tell you one of my favorite parts" "yaay" they all cheered before sitting down on the floor in front of me. "well this takes place on your mommy's 22nd birthday and trust me she never expected what was coming".*flash back* it was the morning of Demi's  22nd birthday and she had no idea what was in store for her. Demi was surprised when she woke up that morning not to find Wilmer lying next to her but she did find a note tapped to her beside table it read "Happy birthday my angel! I have some things to take care of  at the moment but I'll see you later on tonight but for right now why don't you get ready for the day Dallas should be there around ten thirty she'll explain what's going on, Once again happy birthday my angel I love you. Demi smiled widely as she thought of what Wilmer could possibly have planed then she looked at the clock and noticed that it was 9:45 Demi rushed out of bed and started to get ready knowing it would take her some time. Half an hour later demi was dressed in her favorite spiked leather jacket a grey oversized shirt and some black leggings she let her now dark brown hair fall over her shoulders in their usual waves. About five minutes after  demi got ready Dallas was knocking at the door. Demi opened to the door to see Dallas standing there with a bouquet of flowers "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Dallas yelled  stepping in the apartment and pulling demi into a bone crushing hug. Demi and Dallas weren't always this close but once Dallas had gotten over her sister and Wilmer's age difference and saw how much he love her demi and Dallas were able to rebuild their relationship. "Thank you" demi said placing the flowers on the kitchen counter "okay so you and I are going to go get breakfast then I'll give you your next note" Dallas stated pulling me out of the apartment. As Dallas and Demi were eating demi figured she would try to see what Wilmer had planed "so do you know what Wilmer ha planed for tonight"? demi asked raising an eyebrow Dallas shook her head "nope nuh uh im not telling you anything" Dallas laughed demi huffed "please dal! come on its my birthday" Demi begged "the only thing I telling is that your going to love it but since we're almost done here its time for your next note" Dallas said handing Demi a folded piece of paper demi read it aloud "hope your having  excellent birthday so far now that you've had breakfast I arranged for you to spend the afternoon at a spa with a very special friend of yours, you better not ask Dallas because she sworn to secrecy you'll find out when you get there love you see you soon" Demi read." Okay lets go" demi said excitedly wanting to know who the friend was. When they reached the spa demi was surprised to see her best friend Miley standing outside demi said goodbye to Dallas before running out the car and giving a Miley a suffocating hug they were best friends but they hadn't seen in each in  awhile du to there busy schedules. "Happy birthday" Miley said after demi allowed her to breathe "thanks, I cant believe Wilmer planed all this" demi said as they walked into the spa " I know im happy for you dems he's a good guy you better give him that sweet loving tonight" Miley laughed as demi blushed  and let out laugh due to Mileys use of words.

After a wonderful time at the spa and  lunch Miley was currently driving demi to the "secret" location Wilmer had to meet demi at. Demi let out an annoyed sigh as Miley continued to drive. Miley "where are you taking me we have been driving for hours" demi whined impatiently "clam your tits we're here" Miley snapped she loved demi but her inpatients were becoming annoying "Here is your last note' Miley said handing demi a heart shaped note that read "Hope you've enjoyed all your birthday activities but your here now so follow the path and come join me for a last birthday hoorah"  demi laughed at Wilmer's corniness then said her goodbyes to Miley she stepped out of the car and realized they were at the beach but demi had never seen this part of the beach before demi followed a path of rose petal's and gasped when she reached the end the rose petals and led to where Wilmer was standing on the beach beside a picnic basket and a blanket. Demi quickly ran and jump in Wilmer's arms before giving him a passionate kiss He pulled away as he set her down and kissed her forehead "happy birthday" he said gesturing for her to sit down on the blanket " Thank you for everything you did today this has been the best birthday ever" demi exclaimed happily "your welcome your deserve everything and more" Wilmer state. After a while of eating and talking the couple decided to take and walk down the beach once they had reached the middle of the beach Wilmer stopped randomly and stood in front of demi holding both her hands " Demi I love you so much in these two years with you I've been happier then I was my whole life I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you" Wilmer said as her reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiffany blue box with a ring with a huge sparkly diamond inside of it "Demetria Devonne Lovato will you marry me"? Wilmer said secretly scared out of his mind that she would reject him Demi couldn't speak as the tears began to pour down her face all she could do was nod rapidly hoping Wilmer would get the message they were so many emotions going trough demi head she didn't know what to think she threw her arms around Wilmer's neck and pulled him in a tight embrace and she whispered yes into his neck Wilmer pulled back with a a face eating smile as he slipped the ring on to her finger.

"awww that was so cute uncle willy" 6 year old melody gushed upon hearing her uncles story. "Auntie Dallas don't cry this was a happy story" Dylan said as he walked over to his aunt and wiped the tears from her eyes. Wilmer smiled at his sons actions knowing demi would was smiling down at her sweet baby boy " I know baby its just im a girl and we tend to get emotional when we hear cute stuff like that" Dallas said technically not lying because it was true but that's not why see was crying Dallas just missed her sister so much she wished demi could be there right by Wilmer's side telling the story too.

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