chapter 10 part 2

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Wilmer sighed in relief when the doctors told him that demi was being to okay they him that she had fainted because her body couldnt handle all the strain demi had put on it by rushng out the room when she was already in a weak state wilmer was so gald that she would wake up soon he really needed to apologize about what he said to her. While he was waiting for her to awaken he thought about what the demi had said and he decided that he going to support demi in her decesion no matter how much it saddend him but he would spend every second of how ever long she had making sure he did anything she asked and making sure she knew how much he loved her. 6 months 6 months thats all that wilmer kept hearing in his head 6months thats all the time the doctors had given her after runing test going over other things 6 months is all she had left without treatment wilmer wish she had more time but wilmer would now make it his job to make sure it would be the best 6 months of her life even though he seceretly whished the doctors were wrong. After another hour of wilmer just pondering his thoughts demi finally began to wake up. "demi im s- wilmer began but demi cut him off - wilmer dont just hold me demi said wilmer gladly complied lying beside her and wrapping his arrms around her small frame in that moment in didnt matter that demi was dying and only had months to live the only thing that mattered was demi was where she belonged in wilmers arm.

Its so good be to home demi excalimed as she layed angaist her pillows as she sat on her bed with dylan in her arms. Demi had just got home from the hospital now he only had to go twice a month for some check ups today demi was feeling great but the doctors warned her that she wasnt always going to feel this way they told her as the cancer would start to progress she would start to get worse and worse but demi had decieded to enjoy the way she was feeling at the moment she had inviting her family over for dinner. Demi sighed contently as she layed there with dylan alseep on her chest with one of his hands resting on her breast.Demi got up and placed dylan in his bed and went downstairs to help wilmer cook. "Need help"? demi asked "oh you must be feeling really well if your offereing to help me cook" wilmer joked but he was right demi hated cooking and she was not every good at it ethier so her helping in the kitchen was a rare sight but demi just wanted an excuse to spend time wilmer demi felt as if she missed him but how could she miss someone who hasnt left her side since treatment started for months ago but as she thought about it she realized even though she had been with him all this time she hadnt really been there for these couple of months because she had been so out of it due to chemo."Well everyghing here is practically finished but i kno something we could do" wilmer said walking over to demi wrapping his arms around demis waist " oh do you"? demi laughed as she quriked an eyebrow "yes" wilmer said placin his lips aganist hers demi smiled into the kiss before placing her arms around wilmer neck and deepening the kiss she couldnt remember the last time they shared a kiss like this wilmer pressed demi back into the kitchen counter as he disconected his lips and placed them demi neck as he began to nip and suck at the delicate skin niether of them had heard thier guess enter there house dianna had a spare key so she had took it upon herself to let them in. "EW GROSS IN THE KITCHEN REALLY"? dallas shireked as wilmer and demi jumped apart from eachother "hey dont complain you could of walked in on a lot more if you would of gotten heree any later" demi stated dallas shuddered at the image demi cause to form in her head dallas shook her head "ill be in the living room wih everyone else while you make yoursleves decent" dallas stated walking out the room. Demi sighed in fustration she really wished they hadnt been inturrpted it had been month since her and wilmer had done anything intimate and she was a women and well she had needs "we'll finish this later" demi said seductively while re-buttoning wilmers shirt before she walked out the room "tease" wilmer muttered following demi into the living room.

They spent the rest of the evening just laughing and talking and just enjoying thier family time wilmer whished he could just have another moment like this to see demi happy and healthy one last time

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