chapter 8

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The next day Dylan was doing much better then he was yesterday his fever was gone and he could keep down liquids and the doctors say he could go home tomorrow. Wilmer sipped on his coffee Dallas had brought him when she stopped by on her way to work. "Daddy can you tell me of the story"? Dylan asked Wilmer he sighed he hated telling him the sadder parts of the story even though Dylan barely understood and has heard the story countless times. "Do I have too"? Wilmer whined jokingly ''yes!"! Dylan exclaimed Wilmer laughed as he sat beside Dylan on the edge of the bed. "well your mommy was tired of all the hospitals and doctors even though she had only been there for two days and she just wanted to see you".

                                                         * Flash Back *

Demi sighed in annoyance she hadn't any peace since she woke up this morning Dr. Gills and nurses had been running in and out her room all either to run new test or explain the chemo treatment she was going to have to go through the doctor said since she has a high grade lymphoma she would have to go through very  intense chemo treatment she would have to have a central line placed in side her for the chemo drip she would have chemo once a month for the next 6 to 8 months and she would have to stay in the hospital for three days while the treatment took place. Although demi was not happy about this she would do anything that would allow her to live longer. Demi was upset that she would have to have a tube hanging out of her chest for the duration of her treatment and she also was very upset that the doctor said they was about a 95 percent chance that she would loose her hair but demi was slowly beginning to except her situation. Demi was glad the doctors and nurses had left alone and she was extremely happy that she got to go home tomorrow and see her son although she would be back here nest week to have the central line put in and then chemo the next day. Demi sighed out of boredom there was nothing for her to do and Wilmer had gone to check up on their son so there was no one to talk to. Demi looked down at her IPhone there was one person she still needed to tell and that was her best friend Miley. Demis whole family had found out due to her mother not having the will to not tell anyone but demi was slightly relived because this meant she didn't have to hold an awkward family meting to tell her family she was dying. " come over for lunch tomorrow then maybe you can come with me to the salon"? demi asked Miley through text Miley replied " anything for you love" demi smiled knowing her best friend would crawl on glass for her as would she. Demi felt her face light up as Wilmer walked into the room "missed me"? Wilmer asked leaning down and pecking her lips "very much so how's Dylan"? demi asked it had only been two days but for demi it felt like 10 years " he's good cant wit to see his mama" replied " I cant wait either im dying to get out of here they barely let me breathe today"! demi whined "how are you feeling today love"? "decent tried but that's all demi explained "take  nap angel" "not unless you take one with me" demi said moving over so Wilmer could lye next to her once Wilmer was settled demi cuddle up to him and lied her head on  his chest before falling into a peaceful sleep.

"MAMA"! Dylan screamed almost leaping out of Dallas's arms as he saw demi enter room. "Hi baby" demi said quickly taking Dylan from Dallas and pulling him into a tight embrace as her threw his chubby arms around her neck demi kissed him all over hi face  as she held on to him tighter not wanting to let go. "I'll let you have your family time" Dallas said as demi adjusted Dylan on her hip "Thanks dal I appreciate you watching Dylan for me" demi stated knowing it couldn't have been easy being Dallas was 7 months pregnant "anything for you sis" Dallas said before leaving the room. Demi had spent half the afternoon playing with Dylan and just making up for lost time. She was currently feeding Dylan some apple sauce as Miley walked in the kitchen "how's my adorable god son" Miley asked as she kissed Dylan's forehead and sat across from demi on the island of the kitchen "Now girl spill what is going on"? Miley questioned right away worried about what was happening with her best friend "I'll tell you when I put Dylan down for  nap" demi said still apprehensive on what to tell her. "okay before I tell you anything you have to promise me something's one please don't cry I tried of crying and if you cry im going to cry to, two do not treat me differently or like im crippled because I wont hesitate o slap some sense into you, and as this goes on I want you to take of anything I ask you cause Wilmer will have enough to deal with so can promise me you'll do so'? demi pleaded Miley felt a lump in throat suddenly scared to what her best friend was about to tell her. Demi took a deep breathe before continuing Miley I-I I umm I h-a-ave c-c-cancer demi chocked out "what? no you cant "!! Miley exclaimed not believing the words that just came of demi mouth "yes I do the doctors say its a very strong and fast cancer and has to be treated as soon as possibly but they caught very late and its already high grade so there not much of a chance that I can survive demi said was she wiped tears that threatened to fall Miley nodded slowly taking in all her best friend just told her still in shock "Miley say something please you silence is killing me" demi said letting out a light laugh "I'll be there for you every step of the way ill do anything you need me to" Miley said holding back tears trying to be strong demi smiled widely before pulling Miley into a bone crushing hug "okay I already need you to come with me somewhere" demi stated pulling Miley to her feet.

'Wilmer"? demi called out through their huge house "in here" Wilmer called out from the kitchen Wilmer's jaw dropped as demi walked in with her hair now jet black in a very short cut that barely reached the end of her ears. Demi decided to cut it short so it would be easier to deal with when she started chemo. "like"? demi said with a smirked "love Wilmer said walking over to her and pulling her into a searing kiss. "Carry me to the room"? demi begged after the pulled away she was extremely exhausted even though she didn't show it she didn't want to become a burden to anyone she wasn't bed ridden so she will try to be as independent as possible .

I laughed as I noticed Dylan had fallen asleep while I was telling the story I guess I dragged it on too long but its easy to get wrapped up in the memory at the memory of demi she was the perfect women on the inside and out. No one could ever reach the level of perfection that was demi.

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