chapter 11

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"Can i watch mommy on tv"? dylan asked "sure" i repiled . Before demi passed away she did an interview with oprah it was the last major one she ever did it was a two hour special that interview is when she came out publicly saying she had fast acting cancer as she called because she said it was better than telling the whole world she was possibly going to die in 6 months. I had it saved on my computer and i was able to pug in my computer to my tv and watch it on my tv. So me and dylan would watch it whenever we we're missing her more than usual and i guess today was one of the those days. Dylan sat in front of the tv eagerly waiting for demi to appear on the screen. My mind couldnt help but flutter back to that day i remember how nervous demi had been that day.

* Flash Back*

Demi sat on the floor of her wal in closet with her face buried in her hands "Angel whats the matter"? i asked stepping inside the closet "im just so nervous i want everything to be perfect but i cant even figure out what to wear"! she cried "baby you cant stress the little things your going to make yourself sick i promise you everything will go find and dems you could wear a garbage bag and youd still look gorgeous" I bent down and kissed the top of her head before she stood up "you aways know what to say" she said with a smile "i only speak the truth" i stated "i still dont know what to wear" she groaned "wear something comfy the interview is in the living room its not that fancy you dont want to over due it" i said before alking out the closet to go check on dylan. Demi was sitting in a makeup chair the tv crew had set up for the interview demi was ready and oprah would be there in about ten minutes. Demi had decided to dress up a bit she was wearing a sheer peach button own with a white tanktop underneath and some white legings , she had also decided to wear her wig that miley had costom made for her which was wear sight demi usually opted for wearing colorful scrafs instead. I placed dylan on the floor and he ran over to demi he was about 18 months at the time but timed seemed to be moving so fast "me up"! dylan stated tugging and demis pants leg she quickly agreed and lifted him into her lap he turned aound so that he was facing he rand gave her a confused look "hair"? he asked not used to seeing demi was the beautiful black waves he once had but if you werent aware of demis bladness you woudnt have knowm that wasnt her hair especially since she hadnt lossed her eyebrow. " i know it different bu do you like mamas hair? demi asked "no"! dylan yelled "no? said surpirzed as dylan bgn to laugh you just like to rub mamas head thats why you dont like it"! demi stated tickilng his belly it was true whenever demi wasnt wearing a scarf hed love to put his hands all ver her head which she never understood but he liked it he even tried to pull her scarfs off sometimes.

"aw how cute" oprah gushed as she saw demi playing with dylan "oh hi" demi said looking uo she hadnt noticed her walk in "so this is your son"? oprah stated the obvious "yes say hi dylan" demi asked "hi" he waved before giving her a cheeky grin "aw hes so adorable" oprah cooed " wank you" dylan said still having trouble prouncoing the "th" "mamas got to go talk no go play with daddy okay" demi said placing dylan on the floor "bye bye mama" he said rushsing over to me ad we began to watch demi who sat on the couch acroos from the chiar oprh was seated in. "so demi latley theres been some bad news going around about your health would you like to clear things up"? oprah asked demi took a deep breathe before speaking "yes i would like to say that the rumors are true i do have cancer" demi said letting out a breathe she was holding in even though oprah was already aware of this her expression changed from a happy excited one to an empathetic one "im so sorry to hear that demi would you like to explain what type of cancer you have"? she asked demi nooded "I have high grade non-hodekins lymphoma cancer which means the cancer as caught in its very late stages I had been getting high dosage chemo treatment for the pass four months but after recently speaking with a doctor I decided to stop treatment and let cancer take its course" demi stated "thats so brave of you oprah" stated " do you know how long you have"? oprah asked demi shook her head "I rather not discuss that its a little too personal" demi said holding bac tears that treathened to fall. The rest of the first half of the interview had been spent disscussing how demi found out about her cancer and what signs people should look out for and how demi flt bout the whole suitation which is something demi had barely spoken about.

They were now taking a 10 mintue break before they started the next hor of the interview which involed me when I came down from putting dylan down for a nap I found demi sitting on the couch with her wig in her hands scratching her sclap. "I can take it no more this shit is too itchy this whole dam outfit is unconfortabl" she whined " and im fucking freezing " she added i laughed at the fat that it was 75 degrees in the house but demi was always cold lately the doctor said that happenes when the immune system weakens "if its nt bad just go change like i said you look beautiful in anything" i stated she nodded before heading up stairs". "I see you changed" oprah laughed as the interview started up again "yeah that wig was just way too itchy and im so cold" demi laughed rbbing her arms demi had changed into balck yoga pants a purple long sleeve and an oversized grey hoddie that was mine she also wore a purple and gold head scarf "so know your husband is wilmer going to be joing us oprah stated before signaling for me to come over. The rest of the interview was us disscusing our relationship my reaction to demis illness and our greatest accomplishment our son

"Im so proud of you that interview was great"! I stated demi and I were currently laying in bed cuddled up to eachother while was in his play pen infront of the bed captivated by some childrens show about these "adorable little monsters"as demi says "do you think it wil make my fans sad"? she asked "yeah a little bit everyone is going to be a ittle saddened but i bet theyll feel as proud as me for you to come ad talk about your illness just like they were when you did the same thing in 2011 with robin roberts they will be happy to see you being strong as usual they wouldnt want to see you all broken down over it" i stated "and they will find you absoutly adorable as always" i added demi smiled before I leaned down and captured her lips in mine she smiled into the kiss beofre slipping her toungue into mouth and exploring th interior she deepened the kiss and pulled her arms around my neck. I reluctantly pulled away." Dems dylan is still here" i stated "well you should go put him to bed so we can play" demi said suggestivly as she winked lately demi had been trying to get me to do stuff but i cant bring myself to i feel like she doing it because she feels bad that we havent done anthing except make out for about 6 months i feel likes she doing it to please me but its not nesscary "i dont know demi not tonight" i stated "what the hell wilmer everytime i want to do something you shoot me down do you not want me anymore because im bald and ugly" demi cried "no thats not it you know that you are beautiful no matter what i just dont want you to feel forced or like you have to do anything i now yo get tried really fast i dnt want you to continue because you feel the need to" i said "wilmer im nt glass you cant break me turst me i reall want this oay if i didnt ant to i wouldnt sugest it" demi said softly "okay i understand but not tonight i want to do something speical for your first"! she nodded and cuddled more into my side.

if i ony knew that we be one of the last time i would of got to hold her kiss her hear her voice i would of made love to her everynight just so she could feel my love......................

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