Hitchhiking - Taehyung

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This story of mine is the type of stories to keep in mind through the years and thanks to that person I haven't forgotten this incident. Literally whenever anything associated with hitchhiking comes up it always bring up to my mind and probably always will, even makes a bit ill whenever I think about it actually. So, I am Y/N, a young woman in my mid-20s. And I am one of those beautiful kind hearted girls always willing to help another out in a time of need and this is about 2 years ago.

So driving into the city which was about a two-hour drive from town I saw a man walking down the side of the road. As I neared, he turned an intypical hitchhiker manner stuck out the arm and thumb. I bless my heart pulled over and asked him if needed any help. He was really polite if not a bit shy when he asked for a lift into the city. I gave a sweet smile and popped open the passenger door for the guy who then tossed his bag into the back seat and buckled up the ride ahead. We talked pleasantly for the most of the trip about Friends, the news etc you know the happy small talks.

I had to admit he was really handsome and tall young man. He introduced himself as 'v' in his velvet voice and was really comfortable in talking and answering the questions I frequently asked. I felt that we were getting along very well and even bought him dinner at the pit stop a little over halfway to the destination. He seemed really flustered and awkward when I paid and honestly that was really cute of him. I guess I had a small crush on him like you know you get a crush on random people maybe in the mall or stuff. Anyways, my heart was beating really fast when he held the door for me of the restaurant and I was behaving like a teenager in new love.

One of the things we talked about was money and how he was pretty damn strapped for cash which is why he was hitchhiking in the first place but he eventually relented and we were on our way. As soon as we got into the city he thanked me profusely for the ride and the food and had to be dropped off once hey hit downtown. Before getting out though he asked for my phone number so he could contact me one day and maybe catch up.

Thrilled that the prospect of knowing how my new friend was so sweet and handsome. I wrote it down for him and drove off with a warm feeling of having down a good deed. Now, until now nothing creepy happened and I am maybe sorry for that but I think this is what freaked me out so much as I never expected my small crush's intentions originally to be.

How nice everything seemed to have worked out. 1 week later I got a phone call from the same man I had picked up and he didn't let me get a word in edgewise after hello and told het that I should thank god that I was raised so nice because when he first got into the car he planning on raping and murdering me once they got to that pit stop, that he was also going to steal that car and dump my body in a ditch further down the road and go on his merry way but after I talked with him so kindly and even treated him to dinner with a smile on my face he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He didn't think that he could live with himself after forcing that to such a nice lady. That "handsome" man's final words on the phone were:

"Please Y/N please never ever pick up another hitchhiker. I want you to stay safe and if needed I'll make sure of it frequently."

I never got a call from him again and when I tried redialing the number I got a pay phone and so I learnt 2 important things from my experience. First, either I have to stop trusting people in this world and stay alert all the times since not everybody is safe and great full to the gratitude you show to them and the second, listen to the man's advice but what about that last thing he said, does he perhaps know what am I doing or where am I at?

Hey sweeties, how are you all? I hope you like this simple story I listnned to recently. I want to make the oneshots more creepy and with a creepy ending so you all are most welcomed to send me requests if you have. I'll give you the credits and promise to make sure you are satisfied with the chapters. And as I said previously please let me know how are the chapters since I would love to know what my readers majorly love reading.

Take care
Stay safe 💜

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