Accidental delivery

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Their battle waged on through-out the day. The immortal had looked around and realized that they caused much more destruction than he'd hoped for. So, he had made a decision.

The cursed immortal, Qi Xiaotian had defeated the Demon Bull King by locking him away underneath a mountain. Sealing it with a staff no one else but him can wield.

He had left the battle field. No, he didnt leave.. he disappeared. That day, was the last anyone had ever seen him.

Nez Ha used his spooky story telling voice as Sun Wukong listened in awe. He hadnt snapped out of his daydream even after Nez Ha had finished the story.

"Hey, kid? You okay?" Nez Ha snapped his fingers in his face which finally brought Wukong back.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, sorry about that! And I'm older than you!" Wukong pouted.

"Yes, but you act way more childish," Nez Ha laughed in response.

"Now where's those noodles you promised?" He cocked a brow and folded his arms.

Wukong had shot up from the stool he was sitting in when he realized he needed to keep his end of the deal. He rushed into the kitchen. He came back with freshly made noodles that smelled absolutely heavenly to him.

"Here ya go!" Wukong beamed a smile.

"Thanks," Nez Ha gave a small, tired smile in response.

He didnt get to eat much before a spoon had flown their way. The two looked up to see a very angry pig huffing.

"JUST WHAT DO YA THINK YOU'RE DOIN', MONKEY?!" He yelled as he stomped over.

"Oh! Piggy! Chillax, I promised Nez Ha some noodles if he'd tell me a story-"

Wukong was stopped by Pigsy yelling even more,
"WELL STORIES DONT PAY THE BILLS! AND YOU!" He pointed a spoon at Nez Ha who gave no response, not even a flinch.


Pigsy stomped back to the kitchen but soon came back with bags in his hands. Placing them in Wukong's arms.


"YES SIR-" Wukong gave a silly salut with his tail since the bags were still in his hands before scurrying off.

"That kid." Pigsy huffed as he watched Wukong almost slip and fall.

Pigsy kept watching until he heard a loud sluuuurrrpppp and turned around. Nez Ha had continued eating his noodles without a care.

Pigsy only sighed as he walked into the kitchen to make more noodles,
"I dont know what to do with ya anymore," he grunted.

His back was turned and facing the stove so Pigsy didnt get to see the smug grin on Nez Ha's face. The grin you have when you know you've won.


Wukong had drived all around the city at this point. The sun was still sky high, music was blasting from his headphones to his ears. He was arriving at the next delivery.

He didnt mind the strange construction place it was ordered in. Infact, he barely allowed himself to take it in. He hopped into an elevator and started humming along to the song playing in his headphones.

Walking out as soon as the elevator door opened. Doing a few dance moves and almost tripping on a rock, he noticed in the corner of his eye strange movement.

Wukong finally stopped to finally take in his surroundings.
He was in a dimly lit cave. The only light coming from where the elevator was and some sunlight shining on a hill.

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