Journey to the Mountain

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Wukong had bursted through the door, all out of breath.

Pigsy peeked out through the kitchen and Nez Ha turned his head in confusion. Both still staring at the very tired monkey, one asks,
"You okay?"

Wukong took a very deep breath before exclaiming,

Nez Ha and Pigsy stared at him, then to each other, then back at him.

"Uhhh, kid, y'know thats just a fairytail right?" Pigsy said.

"Then whats.. THIS!!" Wukong exclaimed as he showed off Qi Xiaotian's staff.

"A prop?" Nez Ha answered.

Pigsy snorted and slapped Nez Ha hard on the back which almost made him fall of his seat.

"Wukong. Those stories I told arent real." Nez Ha said once he propped himself onto the chair again.

"No! They are! This is Qi Xiaotian's staff!!"

"The staff can only be wielded by the cursed immortal."

"Actually, only by those deemed worthy," Wukong corrected.

"And you think you're worthy?" Nez Ha asked.

"NO! I- I just have his staff, I never said I- YOU LIED!!" Wukong started exclaiming.

"Woah woah, calm down." Nez Ha placed his hands infront of him to push the monkey away and give himself space.

"What do you mean I lied?" He asked once Wukong was no longer in his bubble.

"YOU SAID THE DEMON BULL KING WAS UNDERNEATH THE MOUNTAIN AND HE WASNT!" He furrowed his brows and pointed harshly at Nez Ha.

"I didnt lie? The Demon Bull King stepped down from his reign and allowed his son to become king." Nez Ha explained.

Wukong stepped back and made an "o" shape with his mouth.


"And you still havent shown me proof it isnt a pro-"

Nez Ha was stopped at the staff had extended to where it was right infront of his face. Wuking being unable to hold it up, let the other side fall. On to Nez Ha's lap.

The stool underneath broke from all of the weight and Nez Ha's legs were stuck underneath the legendary staff from a legendary immortal.

"SORRY!!" Wukong exclaimed as he got the stick to revert to it's original size.

He ran to Nez Ha's side and was about to pull him up until Nez Ha muttered something.

"It's.... real?..."

"Yes!! And the Demon Bull- Redson came back!!" Wukong exclaimed.

Nez Ha could only look shocked before Pigsy ran in from all of the noise. Seeing the broken stool and the two on the floor, he squealed.

Nez Ha stood up and walkes over to Pigsy calmly. Then he had taken the collar of his shirt and gave him a very opposite-of-calm look.

"The legends are real. We're gonna die if we dont do anything about the Demon Bull King coming back." Nez Ha said with a very straight voice.

"Well what can we do?!" Pigsy's snorted as he looked away from Nez Ha's very menacing look.

"We can go to his house?" Wukong chimed in.

Nez Ha let go of Pigsy's collar and turned around to him.
Guess his 'buisness man' mode is on.

"And how do you expect us to go to Flower Fruit Mountain?" Nez Ha asked. It sounded more like a demand than a question.

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