Chapter 5

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Kunthi swallowed her saliva as she looked at her brother and his wives. Besides her, Gandhari placed her hand on Kunti's shoulder causing Kunti to exhale her breath.

" Didi, let's go and see my brother," Kunti said in a small voice and took Gandhari's hand and began walking towards Vasudev.

Her eyebrows laid flat as she watched a young boy and girl running towards  the elder couple.

" Bhrata," Kunti said in a soft tone and a small demure smile as she looked at Vasudev.

Vasudev smiled softly as Kunti walked towards him.

" Pritha," Vasudev called out her birth name causing Kunti's eyes to glitter.

Gandhari stood still with a small smile as she heard Kunti and Vasudev talking to each other.

" Are you okay ?" A soft voice asked as a small tender hand held Gandhari's shoulder.

Rohini smiled seeing Charvi and told her that Gandhari is Hastinapur's empress. Charvi's eyes widened and she immediately bend down and touched Gandhari's feet causing the blind empress heart to turn warm. Gandhari smiled widely and blessed Charvi who then stood up and smiled.

" Raajkumari, Pranam," a loud voice called causing Charvi to turn around. She tilt her head as she watched a man walking towards them with a younger girl and boy. Another imperiously dressed woman followed behind and Charvi swallowed her saliva as the woman looked at her with distaste.

" Pranam, Raajkumar Duryodhan," Charvi said causing the man's eyes to widened as his smiled bloomed.

" Duryodhan?" Gandhari called out causing Duryodhan to smile as he walked and placed his hand on Gandhari's shoulder.

" This is my daugther, raajkumari Lakshamana," Duryodhan said causing Charvi to turn  around and smile at the shy maiden.

" Duryodhan," Karna's voice rang causing both Duryodhan and Charvi to turn around. Karna's eyes widened slightly and the man's pace began to get faster.

" Mamashri, I thought you were with maasa ?" Charvi said with an impish smile causing Karn to tweak her nose while she giggled.

" Your maasa is with Vrushali and Radha ma and Sulabha ma. Their at the royal kitchen," Karn winked causing Charvi to giggle.

" Ah looks like certain someone will finally get to eat maasa cooking," Charvi said and grinned while Karn chuckled.

" What are you doing with my mithir ? Ananditha and Aadhvitha are placing with the boys and Vrishaketu was also with them," Karn said causing Charvi to twiddle her thumb as she gulped.

" Mamashri, I am about to go out," Charvi said causing Karn to raise his eyebrows while Duryodhan frowned.

" Going out ? There's so many foreign dignitaries here and it will be dangerous," Duryodhan said causing Karn to raise his eyebrows while Charvi blinked as she looked at him in confusion.

" It runs in the blood Arya," Banumathi said causing Charvi to furrow her eyebrows while Karn stiffned and glared at Banumathi.

Vasudev and Rohini frowned as they heard Banumathi's remark. Vasudev strode towards the group and placed his hand on Charvi's shoulder.

" What do you mean Raajkumari ?" Charvi asked causing Banumathi to scoff.

" You should ask your maasa," She said causing Vasudev to narrow his eyes at Banumathi.

" What exactly should my granddaughter ask my Kulavadhu ?" Devaki's voice rang out loud causing Gandhari and Kunti to look slightly alarmed.

" My apologies, My wife is just not feeling well," Duryodhan said as he glared at Banumathi.

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