Chapter 12

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Ashwatthama walked out of the bathing talan. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Lakshman Kumar and Surath siting on his bed.

Lakshman blushed and stood up while Surath looked at Ashwatthama with curiosity lighting his eyes.

" Lord Ashwatthama must have know the Mathura king very well to be given such a luxurious room," Surath said causing Ashwatthama to let our a snort as he walked towards the small table.

He poured wine into three cups and passed it to the boys. He took the cup towards his mouth and just when the cup touched his lips, the chamber door knocked twice causing him to retract the cup and turned his head.

His eyes shined with curiosity as he saw the princess maid entering the chamber with a small pot.

" Pranam Lord Ashwatthama, I was asked to send this to your chamber," The maid said and bowed. The girl looked up and him and her eyes widened seeing the other two princes looking at her. She gulped and eyed Ashwatthama who took pity on her and gestured her to keep the pot down.

" Is it from this morning ?" Ashwatthama asked the maid who shook her head.

" No just now the pooja was performed My lord," Uri said and Ashwatthama furrowed his eyebrows.

" Just now ?" He asked and turned around looming at the glowing Lord Chandra before glancing at Uri who nod her head.

" Crazy girl," Ashwatthama muttered under his breath and exhaled his breath loudly, dismissing Uri who bowed and scurried away.

" Woah, what's this ?" Surath asked as he walked over and took the milk pot. Ashwatthama snatched the pot back and glowered at the impertinent prince.

" Don't touch what's not yours," Ashwatthama snipped and glared at the boys.

" Why are you both here ?" Ashwatthama snipped before taking a gulp of the milk.

" Surath wanted to ask you for some skills and tricks," Lakshman said in a pacifying tone while Ashwatthama scrunched his eyebrows together as he looked at Surath who bobbed his head.

" What tricks? " He scoffed and watched as Surath took a deep breath and blurted out his intention. Ashwatthama raised his eyebrows and let out bark of laughter as he shook his head feeling amused.

" What makes you think I won't join the suyamwar ?" Ashwatthama asked the prince who gulped and eyes Lakshman.

Lakshman cleared his throat and scratched his head as he looked at Ashwatthama with a sheepish smile.

" Maasa was taking with Dushala mausi and we overheard that you don't wish to get married or interested in any suyamwar," Lakshman Kumar said causing Ashwatthama to purse his lips.

" I am not your errand boy to teach you tricks in archery. Go and find someone else," Ashwatthama said causing the boys to shake their head.

" There's no trick in archery. It's either you manage to land the arrow or not. That's all! Now please leave and bother someone else," Ashwatthama said and walked away to the balcony.

Lakshman kumar shook his head when Surath was about to argue. He wisely dragged his cousin away and went to seek help from his other uncle.

Ashwatthama's eagle eyes looked at garden and spotted two figures sitting nearby the Shivlinga with few other figures scattered away in a distance. The blueish lights which surround the Shivlinga illuminated the figures causing his mind to ponder whose sitting next to the princess.

" That's none of my business. When Lord Chandra visit again, that girl would be travelling with her husband while I will be on my way home," Ashwatthama said out loud.

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