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"Mrghh... where am i?"

Kabuto woke up and faced a room that definetly wasn't his. But it was very familiar. It was Orochimaru's room.

"Orochimaru-sama? huh? did i take a bath? what's going on? i don't remember that i changed..?"

As the door opened kabuto's eyes flew on orochimaru, who was sweet enough to make him food.

"Ah kabuto. You're awake. Please eat this or you won't get better."

"Did you change my clothes?"

"Yes i did. It's not like it's weird is it? i've seen you naked more times than i can count."

"Yeah i didn't think that either but thank you."

As kabuto started eating orochimaru started organizing in his room. He took up some dirty clothes from his floor as well as for dirty dishes.

"It's unusual to see you clean orochimaru-sama."

"Hmm? you think? I had to get used to cleaning when you left kabby."

"Mhh i suppose that's true."

As kabuto finished his food orochimaru sat beside him.

"Seems like my fangs did have venom. Sorry that i poisoned you dear kabuto."

"It's alright orochimaru-sama. I asked."

Kabuto couldn't stop staring at his lord. The feelings and the butterflies were back. It tingled in his stomach as he blushed. He couldn't stop himself. He leaned forward and kissed him.


Orochimaru found himself dumbstruck. Was this finally happening again? Ahh he couldn't stop himself and grabbed kabuto's head and kissed him back.

"What was that now kabuto?"

"Sorry i got.. carried away.."

Orochimaru licked his lips and looked into kabuto's dark eyes.

"Your eyes are filled with a deep desire kabuto? Am i hallucinating or are you coming to a sense with your feelings?"

He didn't have time to react again before kabuto kissed him. Needy kisses with loud sighs filled the lord's room.

"Mhh.. Mh! mhh.."

Orochimaru smirked and caresses kabuto's cheek down to his chin.

"My little boy, how long have you been wanting to do that?"

"Since yesterday."

"Mhmmm.. i see."

Attacked by kisses again he brought kabuto closer, then closer, then closer and even closer until they were glued together.

"Ahh.. Orochimaru-sama.."

"Ohh call me lord more kabuto. Continue!"


"Mhh yes.. yes kabuto!"

"Orochimaru-sama.. Orochimaru-sama i.. can we speak?"

By those words Kabuto ruined the mood for Orochimaru, he had to stop his wild thoughts and listen to the boy to gain back his trust.

"Yes kabuto, tell me."

"You know that i went to the foundation and... and i met Urushi. I went out that same day and reanimated ma-san. She got furious at me and.. told me that she was disappointed in me, disappointed that i use my skills for evil.. she slapped me and i got so mad and hurt that i screamt that i don't regret that i killed her. Do you think she'll forgive me..?"

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