resistance and regretful choices

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Time passed after their intercourse with blowjobs, kabuto still couldn't accept that his mother and brother no longer loved him due to his life choices. Due to that, depression took over his body and he slowly started gaining weight, 54 kilos.. 64 kilos.. 74 kilos.. 89 kilos. 35kg gained, greasy hair and lifeless eyes he finally left his room after 3 months when people actually were awake in the hideout. Making his way to the bathroom he looked into the mirror not recognizing himself.

"I'm a fatty. I'm fat.. ew.. who am i?"

Disgusted by his appearance he entered the shower. Hateful tears streamed down his face, he was so good looking before and he had just.. ruined his appearance with food. Rage filled his body but all he could do was cry. Cry about his ruined body, his cries were loud and attracted orochimaru to the door. Curious he asked.

"Kabuto? Is that you?"

Startled, kabuto swallowed his endless cries and responded.

"It's me yeah."

"Goodness i feel like i haven't heard your voice in ages, i'm coming in-"

"NO! stay out there! go back to your room!"

"Hm? I'm coming in."

"NO NO NO!!!"

Orochimaru didn't bother about kabuto's protests and made his way into the bathroom. Kabuto was covered by the shower curtain and all Orochimaru could see was a shadow, he didn't think much of it and sat down on the toilet and started speaking.

"I suppose you've been feeling really bad lately and i'm sorry for not being there for you when you were going through hard times."

"Go out orochimaru-sama.. go out please."

"Kabuto why do you want me to get out? Seeing you naked is not a big deal. Come on get dressed and let's talk in my room."

Kabuto didn't respond and didn't come out of the shower. He wasn't gonna leave until orochimaru did. Minutes passed and orochimaru's patience started running out. He went forward and moved the shower curtain out of the way and a gasp escaped his mouth.

"Kabuto.. is that you?"

Glaring with tears in his eyes he covered hinself with a towel.

"I didn't notice you gained weight at all."

"Wowwww thanks for noticing that!" He said and tears streamed down his face.

"Kabuto. Come on it's just normal to notice how your appearance have changed since i've seen you everyday before, now you being gone for months and then coming back, ofcourse i would notice."

"Let me be.. i'll die of a heartattack soon anyway." Kabuto said and walked out, the towel covering his big body.

"I'll let you change and then i'll come speak with you."

Kabuto went to his room and looked though his closet, since his clothes were made of an elastic that could make the material stretch it still fit, all except the waistband. He got dressed and sat down on his bed, staring down at the kinda large belly and fat thighs. He looked up upon hearing a knock on his door, he didn't want anybody to see him in his current state except orochimaru.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Kabuto."

"Come in.."

Orochimaru made his way into the room and sat down beside Kabuto.

"May i ask if there's something that is bothering you to make you fall into a state that you can't really climb up so you've drowned your sorrows in food?"

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