back pain and cuddles

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As his vision cleared up his eyes widened. As soon as he grasped that little detail his back started to ache. Orochimaru just started, then gave off a big smirk.

"Huuuuuge tits."

Kabuto blushed and tried to hide them. They're huge!! Massive!!

"Ahh! what do i do?! they're huge!! massive!! and my butt too!! i look like a pornstar!!" He panicked and checked but his new body in horror.

"My voice! it's so pitched! it's almost annoying!"

"Kabuto. Calm down calm down. Let me help you here." Orochimaru said and held up the huge boobs that kabuto now was forced to carry.

A sigh of relief escaped kabuto's mouth.

"Your boobs reminds me of Tsunade's."

"No way! they're not that huge! or.. or are they?"

"Yeah they kinda are." Orochimaru smirked and looked in the mirror. Seeing a flushed girl staring back at him made him chuckle.

"How do i go back?"

"Use the same handsigns but replace the dog with serpent."


Kabuto did the handsigns again and smoke blurred his vision, he was now back to normal. He smiled into the mirror.

"What do you look like as a female Orochimaru-sama?"

"Oh y'know, nothing special."

"Show me."

"Not now kabby."

"Come onnnnn.."


"Fine. Then i'll go back to work."

"Come on Kabby we had such a romantic time just now."

"Well i'll continue that romantic act if you show me what i want to see. Or maybe i'll sort your scrolls into alphabetic order for a raise again?"

"You're such a blackmailer and you're hella good at it."

"I have a good teacher."


Orochimaru went forward to the mirror and did the handsigns, smoke yet again blurred their visions.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you're telling me i have big tits?! That ass could crush anyone!!"

Muttering, orochimaru took out his death glare and glared kabuto down. Knowing what was to come kabuto adjusted his shirt and coughed.

"Sorry m'lady."

"Shut up. I'm still your lord."

"You look cute."

Kabuto went forward and hugged orochimaru from behind. Waving back and forth while holding onto him.

"I don't like this at all kabuto. I prefer having a dick than a hole that throws up blood."

With a chuckle kabuto let go.

"Valid opinion, orochimaru-sama."

Orochimaru did the handsigns to go back to normal.

"Now, you promised me some stuff."

"I never promised!!"

Kabuto knew he was in trouble by saying that he didn't promise so he ran out the room and laughed.

"you DID promise me!!!"

Orochimaru ran after his michevious boy.

"Kabuto stop!!"

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