The beginning of the END

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I left the bathroom and went back into my room, I turned on the TV, and what my eyes confronted, was my case airing on the TV, it's been 3 months and this was the last hearing.
The boy was the son of a prominent minister, and they used power and money to turn everything in their favour, the lawyers had argued that it was an act done due to intoxication, that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, he was drunk so he didn't know what he was doing, but he knew where and how to rape someone in the alley.
Today on the final hearing he was sentenced to 1-year imprisonment and 6 months of probation, on the count that he's a first-time offender amongst many other frivolous things.
I watched him on Tv as he smiled, showing no sign of remorse, is this it? Is this the law? Is this what society does?
I saw my mum and the pain in her eyes as my dad held her close, I felt my soul leave my body, I was a walking corpse.
I removed the drip line and walked out of the hospital room to the top floor, I reflected on how one moment had ruined my life. The doctor had said there was damage to my womb and that I might never bear a child.
I heard his voice whispering into my ear "No, live, live to remember this moment and cherish it till you die".
I screamed at the top of my longs "No, No, No, I won't give you that satisfaction" I declared in tears, wailing loudly, I ran to the edge of the rooftop and said my last words " I won't live, I won't remember that moment, I would rather die and burn in hell".
I looked back, closed my eyes and I jumped while falling, I felt peace, the calm breeze soothed me, and as I hit my head on the floor, I smiled.
The public did this to me, the country law did this to me, a prominent family did this to me, and a boy of 23 did this to me.

Hi, My name is NANCY and I am a VICTIM Where stories live. Discover now