The New Girl

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Hi! I'm Katherine Louie, and this my high school story. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a teenager. I wanted be treated more maturely and not treated
like a baby. Now that I am a 16 year old girl and I'm in high school, life is turning super sucky. I always dreamed it would turn out differently, that one day I would fall in love with a boy and have true love, but obviously we all know how life usually is for teenagers. I've been bullied a couple times for the way I look and how shy I am. I just started at Memory high school and I'm already been made fun of. I know you might not wanna listen and waste your time reading this, but I just want someone that will listen to me. I may not be famous or be rich or a celebrity, but I want someone to at least remember me one day. ( even if it's for a minute ) my backstory is that my parents died when I was 4 , I have to live in a apartment with my aunt and have only one little sister. Having a little sister is hard because you always are compared to them. I wonder if anyone would care if I were to die. I wonder. I have to go to school tomorrow, but I really just want...... I don't even know what I want to do. I can't even make my own decisions. Oh well, God when will life get better. The next day, I get dropped off at my school and I feel different today. I feel like something lucky will happen today. Weird, huh. I walk through the doors and go to the cafeteria. All of a sudden, I hear girls screaming and huddling around someone. I stand up and go see what's going on. Then, I hear a bang, the girls back up and start to panic. I move myself to the front and see a pretty black haired, guy on the ground unconscious. I bend down and give him mouth to mouth. ( I took a class for CPR ) Then, he slowly started waking up, and look straight into my eyes. I finally look up to see a beautiful blue eyed hunk. We both got up and brushed ourselves off. I reach for his collar that needed to be fixed, but he grabbed my hand. For a few minutes, we were just holding hands. He says " I'm Jason. " I start blushing and say " hi, Katherine I'm. Ugh. I'm Katherine " At that moment, I knew he was the one. I got stuck in the freinds zone for now, but I just know...... Something amazing is going to happen.

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