The wake up

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I wake up to Jason sitting next to me in my room. He said " they experimented on you and made you better. " I started to sit up a little. " I'm sorry you had to see me like this." " it's ok. I missed you so much. I waited for you the whole time, by your side. " I started to cry. We hugged. He squeezed me very tight. Then, my family came in. Also, a strange little boy walked in. " who is that ?" My sister responded " that's our brother. He is your twin. " I HAVE A TWIN BROTHER!!!!! Woah! He came up to me and started to cry. He sat on the bed and we hugged. " I love you! " he said in my ear. Then, everyone started crying. We all did a group hug. Then , my twin says to Jason, " Aren't you going to do it? " what are they up to ??😐😐 everyone except Jason backs up and starts to smile. He gets on one knee. " Katherine, baby, I love you and always loved you ever since I saw you. You are the only one that I love. You have patient, loyal, and sweet. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. I love you!! Will you marry me ?" I look at him and start crying. I get up and walk towards him. I stand him up with a sad face. He looks down sad. I look at him. " Why are you sad? You're engaged. " He looks at me and smiles. He picks me up and spins me around. We turn and say we're engaged. We go in the hallway and say were engaged. We even shouted it out to the mountains. Now , I'm with someone I really love.

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