Jasons perspective of " The News "

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We were at the park and she was trying to tell me something. All she said was " I...I ", then she fainted. I yelled " Katherine! Katherine! She weakly said " Jason. " I picked her up and I took her to the hospital. I called her aunt and asked her to come to the hospital. Ten minutes later, she ( her aunt ) came and told me everything. I looked in the window of her hospital room. I decide to go get her some flowers. I leave the hospital and buy some flowers and get my computer. I rush back to the hospital in my car. I stop to get all of my stuff and rushed to the hospital. Once I get to the hospital, I go to her room and see a random teenager go into the room and kiss her on the cheek. I'm like oh heck no!!!😡😡😡😡 I run into the room, put my stuff down and stare at the teen. " why are you kissing my unconscious girlfriend? " I say in a calm voice. The boy pushes me aside and starts running down the hallway. I look at her for a second then chase after the boy. " Hey, Hey " the boy starts running faster. He puts a cart in my path, but I flawlessly jumped over it. I keep running. He stopped at a dead end, and sat down on the floor crying. I look at him and sit down next to him. He looks up with tears in his eyes. " Because, I'm her twin. Se were separated at birth, but her aunt sent me a letter and told me to go to this hospital. I just talked to her. She told me to go into that room. I only kissed her because the first time I saw her I knew she really was my sister. I just wanted to give her a brotherly kiss. That's all." I looked at him confused. " Look, I only ran away because you looked like you wouldn't believe me or would beat me up. " I thought to myself, " should I trust him? " But I decided to trust him. I help him up and we walk back together talking about her. Later on, I decide I will stay with her until she wakes up. That's what I'm going to do, because that's what boyfriends should do. If any of you men out there won't do that for your girlfriend. I feel bad for you.!!!

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