Seven: Teach Me

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Juniper wished she was still unconscious the moment she realized she was awake. Her head spun ever so slightly, and her whole body felt heavy and uncomfortable. "The gods hate me," she grumbled, rubbing her face.

"Are you awake this time?" The voice of the pirate Captain was unexpected.

Juniper squinted at the figure sitting in the corner. "Why are you in here? Don't you have a ship to run?"

"The nice thing about being Captain," Kitt explained, standing up, "is the fact that I can be lazy at times. My crew knows how to run well enough."

She barely noticed his approach until his hand was on her forehead. "Well it's a little creepy that you've been here all while I've been asleep."

He laughed a little. "Elena and I switched off. It was just my turn. But there's good news, your fever is nearly gone."

"Why do I feel so weird?" Juniper's tired voice sounded strange to her ears.

"That's probably just the effects of the remedy. It should be wearing off, it's nearly dawn." Kitt crouched in front of her. "How do you feel? Be specific, now."

"You're rather bossy." Juniper couldn't seem to sit up. It felt like she was glued to the pillow.

Kitt only looked at her. Apparently he was tired of asking her to just listen. "Princess."

Juniper gave up. "I feel heavy. Like my body is covered in metal. And I'm a little dizzy. Is that good enough for you?"

"Yes, good job, little one." He patted her head like a puppy.

"Little one?!" Junpier hissed, now trying to sit up.

Kitt chuckled. "You like to call everyone else little. I thought I'd return the favor." He sat his hand on her head. "Now stay down. The medication will do its best to keep you down until it fades, and you'll only end up hurting yourself."

"Fine. I like rest any way."

"I'm sure you do." Kitt got to his feet. "Enjoy it while you can. I'm going to keep you busy while you're on my ship."

Juniper rolled her eyes. "How rude."

"It isn't rude, Princess. You're just privledged. Besides, it'll be good for you."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really. You're rather scrawny."

Juniper gave him her coldest glare as he grinned down at her. "Have you ever considered that I'm not afraid to kill people?"

"Oh, I have. But you wouldn't kill me. At least, not yet." Kitt plopped onto the floor and leaned back against the wall. "Besides, I just helped you. So I think we need to call a truce. We've made a deal, but it won't be any good if we end up killing each other."

"But if we call a truce, it'll be extremely boring."

Kitt's eyebrow went up. "Oh, so you like a thrill? I can keep you on your toes well enough, love."

Juniper snorted. "You're awfully confident."

"It's the key to success, Princess. As you're probably aware." Kitt closed his eyes. "If you cooperate, you'll find my ship rather nice and not boring, as you put it."

Juniper considered for a moment. Helping out on this ship as he suggested was not something she wanted to do in the slightest. Yet the benefits to that were clear in her mind. If she really wanted to be free of her kingdom and family, she would need to know how to sail. She also needed to sharpen her fighting skills. This could be counted as her training for a free life. "Alright, I'll admit I'm intrigued, Captain. If you teach me the way of sea life, I'll be nice."

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