Chapter 5: Kusanali

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This chapter will be from Kusanalis pov.
This idea is from Sspiky so thank you for the request/idea. Anyways enjoy!

My name is Kusanali and I am new in this school. I had heard many stuff about this school, or rather said bad stuff. Anyways this was the first day of my journey in this school and I was more than excited to start at what I think was called Genshin school.

I started and was walking slowly yet nervously in to the school. I could see Mister Zhongli near the gates talking to a green haired boy with short braids. I was hearing a lot about tests and exams so I decided that I was gonna move forward to hear.

"Well even a tune wouldn't be so bad but just not another exam. O lei o lai o lei oh lord. Sm-." The ombre colored hair with braids said looking like he was trying to convince mister Zhongli to stop giving them exams.

And on the other side of the gate there was a girl with purple hair screaming at a tall guy telling him to wear a shirt. But in the middle I saw my friend , the bald guy! He used to have blue hair but the haircut was so bad that I went quickly, took the girls hand and shaved it all off. His friend looked traumatized and I had no idea why.

So after a short 20 minutes class had started. I went in and saw mister Zhongli telling me to introduce myself. So I stood up and was ready to tell my new class about me when..

"Are you sure this girl is in our class Mister Zhongli? She might need to go to Klees class or something." A dark blue haired pretty good looking guy said as if he was concerned that Mister Zhongli was too dumb to realize i was a kid.

"No I am not mistaken, she is just a bit short that's it similar to Sayu but a bit older, now cont-" Zhongli replied but got interrupted by someone I recognized from before

"Papi papi papi papi, jiâoxiètóuxiàng." The braided guy started singing a slightly inappropriate but catchy song. Then he started moaning and I didn't know if it was apart of the song but it sounded pretty good.

And then of course Mister Zhongli told him he had detention and an extra exam. I then remembered his name Venti! Venti is definitely not one of Mister Zhonglis favorites from the information I got today.

Then after I decided to go to the bathroom which had one for girls, one for boys and one for both/nonbinarys so I went inside the one for both thinking that most people would've gone to either boy or girl. And when I went inside it was a total mess. There were three people inside who were drawing on the wall. I recognized two of them. One of them was a blonde haired girl with an eyepatch on one of her eyes. One was Xiao a guy that used to live here, he is Mister Zhonglis son but I am not sure if that matters. Then we have singing Venti that got to detention for interrupting class. But the song was catchy and all so I asked him what song it was.

"Haha fate has decided that one comes to ask the singing animal a song, just as intended you have my honor to ask him." The Eyepatch blondie said. I think she has issues since I doubt she's a princess, fate or whatever she is trying to be.

"Ohh hey the short girl! The song you ask. Heh I knew you were interested and I'll take the honor to tell you. It's Gimme more x Jiafei x Cupcakke." Venti gracefully said.

"Leave and don't come back." Xiao said. Which reminded me that he's still stuck in his emo phase. Poor guy!

But I left and went to the girls bathroom instead excepting it to be more normal.
I was wrong. I saw a read haired girl standing next to a girl with slightly grey hair and a rose on top of her hair.

"Noelle you've gotta help me, there is no way he'll ever accept my confession ever ever EVER!!" The red head said stressfully.

So I assumed from here that the grey haired girls name was Noelle.

"I will Donna just give me a moment to write down what you should say." Noelle said.

I couldn't bare to wait any longer so I just went in the bathroom when I heard hard knockings.

"B E I D O U CALLS YOU GET OUT!" A loud girl said.

After this experience I am never going back to the bathrooms ever again. And I'm not talking to anyone that seems loud. I might as well join the student council they seem calmer. This day was an experience I hope to never have again.

Thank you soooo much for reading this bonus chapter. I'm sorry if it was short. I'll upload chapter 6 as fast as I can but for now bye!!

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