Stranger 2

143 9 1

This woman truly knew what she was doing when she flirted with me from all the way across the room. With her signature bunny teeth and occasional eyebrow raises did she lure me into her home and right into her bed.

Little did I know what kind of beast she was.

In multiple ways.



The bell went as I entered the cafe on the corner of a street.

Today I decided to treat myself to some peace after days of work and that encounter with Chaeyoung. I still didn't pick up the vase that I had made that day and wasn't planning on it.

It was a nice and sunny day so I decided to make use of that by walking to the park and watching the dogs that played together in the grass field before I saw this cute cafe in the corner of my eye.

I was glad I had my wallet with me because of all that time sitting there in the sun made me quite thirsty and hungry.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" The person behind the counter said with a wide smile as he noticed me looking around.

A smile made its way onto my face as I headed over to where he stood, "I'd like to have a plate of sushi with a glass of water, please." I told him and he nodded his head, signaling with his hand that I could go and take a seat at a table.

I took myself over to a table near the window where I could watch the traffic outside.

I sat down on the chair and put my bag down beside me on the floor before taking my sunglasses off and putting them in the bag.

My eyes scanned the room for a clock.

Once they found one I noticed that it already was 5 PM, so the sun will be settling down soon enough which meant for me to watch the city lights of Seoul outside of my window.

Another sleepless and boring night ahead of me.

A sigh came from me as I took my eyes away from the ticking clock to see a girl sitting by the window as well, staring at me unashamedly. 

I tilted my head at her, thinking there was something wrong but all she did was raise her eyebrows at me with a knowing smile of some sort. 

We kept eye contact for another few seconds before the waiter came and gave me my food and drink, "Here you go, enjoy!"

I thanked him and broke apart the chopsticks that he gave me, picking up a sushi and putting it into my mouth.

Surprisingly it was really good, like as if it came out of a high class restaurant.

I hummed to myself in satisfaction as I continued to eat, unbothered.

My eyes eventually looked outside the window at the cars that were passing by every second. 

After a while I decided to look back at the woman that was staring at me not so long ago. She was still looking at me but only did she have some sort of glint inside her eyes as she bit down on her bottom lip.

It made me blush and squirm around on my chair.

And she surely noticed because before I knew it, she was walking towards me.

She leaned against my table, causing for me to look up at her.

"Hello, may I sit here?" She asked me with a tilt of her head and I just couldn't say no to someone as pretty as her.

"Of course." I told her with a smile, shifting in my seat before gulping my nervousness away. 

I didn't even know why I was nervous.

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