Stranger 3

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This person for sure was the kindest at heart and had all the good intentions with me. She was covered by marks made by God all over her face and body.

Only was it so sad to hear that she was still holding onto her addiction and habits instead of letting them go.

Though I wish her all the best.


It was a rainy today and unfortunately I was stuck in the local library where I went to get myself a book for this month.

I've been trying to read at least one book a month to entertain myself and give myself some rest. Especially now that I was still single after meeting 2 women within less than a week.

But I surely wasn't going to give up yet.

I'll be 26 in a few months and I was longing for someone to love.

There were so many people who could be the one for me, so if I just searched long enough then perhaps I'd find the one.

And when I do find her- I know she'll be perfect for me.

I sighed as I walked along the halls of books, just wandering around at this point.

I already had taken a book for myself about some sort of love life. It was the only thing that really spoke to me during this time and I didn't feel like searching around for anything that could be better.

After a while of walking, I went back to the main hall of the library and sat down on a couch that stood near a window to watch the rain fall out of the sky.

The sound of rain falling onto the ground calmed me.

If I was able to sleep now, I would.

Someone sighed beside me and I turned my head to see a woman sitting by the window next to me, also staring out at the rain.

She had a somewhat sad expression on her face as she looked out the window.

A beautiful person like her shouldn't be sad.

"Hey." I said softly to her which made her look into my eyes and tilt her head.

Suddenly her face changed by expression and a smile instead of a frown was to be seen on her face.

"Hello." The girl said before turning her whole body towards mine, "What's up?"

"I thought you were sad and so I was planning to ask you if there was something I could do but it seems like you're fine now." I smiled at her and right away saw her looking at my lips.

"Oh, I'm fine. I was just in deep thoughts." She told me and nodded to herself.

After she said so, I left her to be in her own little world.

The weather became better by the minute but I bet it'd take a while before I could walk out of here.

"I'm Mina, by the way." The girl spoke and reached out her hand.

"I'm Sana." I smiled cheerfully at her as I grabbed her hand and shook it.

We looked each other up and down for a second, "Why did you come here today?" She asked me after a bit.

"I came here because I finished my previous book and now chose a new one."

"What's the book about?" Mina asked me right after.

I tilted my head and grabbed the book, reading the back of it.

"About two people who fell in love after one got heartbroken." I summed it up in one sentence before looking back over at the girl who was now staring me right into my eyes.

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