[4] Anne's getting worse

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Sasha has been looking after Anne for a week now. With her being stuck under the effects of a love option Sasha started to feel like what Anne was doing and saying was because Anne actually loved her but Sasha just can't all the way believe that. It was another day of Anne being clingy except something was different. Anne just wouldn't let Sasha do anything or talk to anyone. Sasha looked at anne and asked her about it and Anne just didn't reply. It was later and Sasha has become worried. "Hey Anne...?" Sasha asked. "Yeah.?" Anne replied. "Why are you being like this and being really idk... cold to everyone else. Even to sprig you're being cold." Sasha said. Anne zoned out and then stuffed her face into Sasha's chest and hugged her tight. Sasha slowly wrapped her arms around Anne and looked down at her. Sasha didn't really know what to do if it were to continue.

Anne looked up at Sasha and then kissed her chin. Sasha of course blushed a little and smiled and slowly booped Anne's nose "Boop!" Sasha said to try to get Anne distracted. Anne blinked then did the same and her face lit up "Boop!!!" Anne said with excitement. Sasha let out a small gentile laugh and leaned back against the wall and she closed her eyes. Suddenly she woke up to being grabbed on by Anne really tightly. Sasha opened her eyes and looked at her to see Anne being pulled away by maddie Mrs hop pop and Polly sprig just watching. Anne started to cry and a toon of tears went down her face "NO!!! DON'T TAKE ME AWAY FROM HER!!" Anne yelled. Sasha grabbed Anne and pulled her back and looked at hop pop Polly and Maddie."What was this all about.?" Sasha questioned. "We don't know what's going on and we wanted to ask her and she didn't say anything. But then sprig came in and tried to wake you up and well. Anne wants to kill sprig so we wanna hold her back." Hop pop said and sighed. "She's just under the effect of a potion.. everyone get out. Let me calm her down." Sasha said. Anne stuffed her face into Sasha's chest and sobbed into it shaking. Sasha rubbed her back "Shh... it's okay... they're not going to take you away from me." Sasha said calming Anne down. Anne eventually fell asleep and Sasha stayed awake so it wouldn't happen again.Sasha looked down at Anne and kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. Anne snored quietly and was comfy. Sasha eventually closed her eyes and fell back asleep.

Not written by me
All creds to @amiphia_c0llab.0 on TiktTok

Essence of love ~ Sashanne love potion AUWhere stories live. Discover now