[7] Trouble

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Note: I am so so sorry! The author sent me the 7th chapter like months and months ago but I had gotten a new phone and it was a real struggle trynna download Wattpad again (plus I started using AO3 more regularly) and had totally forgot! But I've seen so SO much love for the series and I also saw even the author posted the 8th chapter in the comments on the last chapter and felt like I was gatekeeping all bc I didn't have the motivation to re-download wattpad 😔😔 But oh my god you guys are crazy for this series and I'm so glad! ALL CREDIT TO THE AUTHORRRR <33 they totally deserve all the love. AGAIN I AM VERY SORRY


Anne was once again clinged onto Sasha. Sasha let out a sigh and glanced at her. Anne looked up at her and kissed her nose. Sasha couldn't take it anymore "Enough." Sasha said. Anne tilted her head with a confused expression. Sasha shoved Anne away and then tied her up. Anne starred "WHAT THE HELL!?" Anne screamed. Sasha yelled back "THATS IT. ENOUGH.. IM DONE WITH YOU." . Anne's hair filled with flowers that looked to be dying. Anne slowly started crying. Sasha starred and felt bad. She let out a sigh and untied Anne. Anne's flowers went back to normal and hugged Sasha tightly. Sasha sat down and rubbed Anne's back. "Look... I'm sorry... but... it's gone on long enough... when will you just..-" Sasha stopped as her voice broke and she couldn't help to cry. "When will you return to me..?" Sasha said. Anne shrugged and leaned her face into Sashas chest. Sasha closed her eyes. She was done acting like this would blow over. She needed Anne back. Sasha slowly grabbed her. Anne blinked. Sasha shook her "GIVE HER BACK!!!" Sasha yelled. Anne flinched scared. Sasha kept shaking Anne. Anne screamed "STOP!!! PLEASE!". Anne started shaking out of fear. Sasha stopped. "Geez... I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- scare you..." Sasha said. Anne just hugged Sasha really tightly and sobbed into her chest. Sasha sighed. Sasha said to herself "Great- instead of doing something good I scared the shit out of her. I'm such a great person."

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