[8] ...No...Won't explain!

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Maddie barged into the room. "AHA!" Sasha screamed. "I FOUND OUT THE CURE POSSIBLY" Maddie yelled excitedly. Anne glanced over Sasha's shoulder and tilted her head while then stuffing her face within Sasha's neck. "That's- great-.." Sasha said looking away from Maddie. "I thought you would be moreee....excited..." Maddie said. Sasha remained quiet and leaned back into Anne. Maddie sat beside them. Sasha closed her eyes and let Anne hold her. Anne had a negative reaction to this, despite always wanting Sasha to love her her back it didn't feel right and Anne pinched Sasha. "HEY!!" Sasha screamed. Anne leaned into her and closed her eyes "Something... is wrong... explain." Anne said. Sasha got up quickly and shoved Anne against the ground and ran off. Anne sat there. Silent as she stayed there sobbing till she fell asleep. Maddie had tried comforting Anne a lot but that didn't help so it's good she fell asleep then Maddie could leave and go talk with Sasha.

note: re-downloading wattpad and STILL seeing people (most recently today) reading and favouriting this story is just... 😫😫😫😍😍😍
You guys are CRAZY and I am so glad the author is getting their story SEEN by SO MANY PEOPLE! I'm surprised the Amphibia fandom hasn't fully died yet or that you guys haven't moved on. I've moved onto Genshin myself and even now I feel that hyperfixaction slipping 😩🤌🤌 HOPEFULLY NOT THO BC THE GAME IS ACTUAL SO FUN IF ANYONE ELSE PLAYS IT AND IS ON THE ASIA SERVER ADD ME IM AR 55 AND IF YOU NEED HELP I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU <333 (I'm a wanderer main and a Scaramouche lover/addict/simp)

Also I had to write out this chapter since the author posted it in the comment section of the sixth chapter so sorry if anything is wrong or smthn, BUT IDM IM GLAD THEY DID because now you guys get fed 😋😋

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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