How you met:

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Finney: Robin was not at school and of course Moose and the other bullies were picking on Finney, so when you marched over there and stood up for Finney. He thought you were awesome, and invited you to watch his baseball game. (Which you quickly accepted)

Robin: You were at the drive in watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre with your friends when all of a sudden a guy with a leatherface mask comes up behind you and scares all your friends away, but you just sat there unamused. He laughed at your friends and took the mask off. You were starring at his face a bit to long and he said "take a picture it'll last longer"

Bruce: You decided on going to watch the local baseball game one day. You sat down not knowing anybody there. As you were watching the game you noticed a guy who was really good. You asked the girl beside you who it was. She responded with "Bruce Yamada one of the best players on the team" You ended up finding him after the game and exchanging numbers.

Vance: You were really focused on trying to beat some random kids record on the pinball game when a guy came walking up to it and pushed you out the way making you lose. You were about to scream at him until you looked to see who it was. Once you realized you had a scared expression on your face. Vance Hopper. You haven't properly met him but you knew who he was from school, and you knew what he did to people who made him mad. You continued to stare at him lost in thought and he finnaly said "what's wrong darling, you look like you've seen a ghost" and with that he laughed and took the pinball game for himself.

Billy: You were sitting on your porch reading a book when a paper hit you in the head. You let out a "OWW" and checked your surroundings. The only thing you could see was the paper boy running up to you. You picked up the newspaper and sat it in your lap. When he finnaly made it to you he said " Oh my gosh im so sorry please don't sue me" You burst out laughing and said "No it's ok as long as you didn't do it on purpose" He got a worried look on his face and pleaded "No what no I would never" You laughed again and said "Well you better get going paper boy, still have a lot of newspapers to deliver"

Griffin: You were walking down the sidewalk lost in your book when you heard a boy scream "MOVE OUT THE WAY" you quickly jumped out of the way right before his bike could hit you. Him and his bike went falling over onto the sidewalk. You rushed over to him and asked if he was okay. He responded with "Yeah just a little bruised" You took a look at his knee and it was bleeding pretty bad. You stood his bike up, hopped on it, and told him to get on the back. He didn't question, but he got on. As you were riding he asked where you were going. You responded with "My house, that knee wont fix itself" He smiled at how carring you were.

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