Enemy's To Lovers

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Vance X Reader

It was the end of class and you were just about to walk out the door as your teacher said "Y/n will you come here for a minute?" You rolled your eyes before turning around and plastering a fake smile on your face. Finney, your best friend laughed and stated "I'll wait for you outside" After the room was cleared you walked up to your teacher and stood there until she spoke. "So y/n since you are one of my top students i thought you could help me out with something !" You replied with "Go on?" "Since all my tutoring sessions are full this week i thought you could help me tutor someone" You looked at her weird because she hadn't said the name of the person yet, but replied with "Ok sure that's no problem who is the person?" She took a worried step back and said "Vance Hopper" Your face turned red out of anger. "Why would you ask me such a dumb question" you responded with a attitude. It was true the question was really dumb. Everyone in school knew you hated Vance Hopper even the teachers, and they knew nothing could change that. "Young lady you do not talk to your elders like that. I have already had this same talk with Vance, and the sessions will be from 5-6 so you better decide if you want detention for the whole week, or to tutor Vance!" You thought for a second and realized you had never been in detention before and you couldn't ruin your record, so you did the only logical thing and decided to tutor Vance. "Fine i'll do it" Your teacher looked pleased with herself and said "You are dismissed" When you got outside you fell into Finneys arms and started crying. Finney looked at you worried and asked what had happened. "She wants me to tutor Vance!" He got angry and said "Why didn't you tell her you couldn't do it!" You looked up at him and responded "I tried she just said that I would have detention if I didn't do it!" He looked at you with a sad expression before hugging you. "Come on let's get to class if you need a minute i'll tell him you had to use the restroom on our way back"  "Thanks but im fine" He put his arm around you for comfort while you walked to science class. You walked into the class and finney put his arm down. "Where have you two been!" Before finney could speak you said "Our teacher wanted to talk to us" You grabbed finneys hand and sat down in your usual seats. Your teacher just rolled his eyes and continued with the lesson. 

Time skip to the end of class

You and finney walked out of class and you checked your watch. It read "4:30" You waited by the door of the school and talked to finney "I just don't know why she would ask you to do something like this I mean everyone knows you hate Vance-"  "What did you just say" You looked up and saw the one and only Vance Hopper. "Uhm I have to go y/n cya tomorrow" You laughed at how scared he was but, hugged him and told him bye. "So you must be y/n" You rolled your eyes and said "Oh cut the shit Vance you know who I am" He bowed down jokingly and said "Yes Mrs popular im sorry" You laughed at how dumb he was being. People started to stare at him bowing to you, so you said "Get the hell up Vance people are staring" He lifted his head up, grabbed your arm, and dragged you out. As you walked out of the school you asked "So my house or your house?" He looked at you, laughed, and responded with "Jeez y/n thought you hated me, but I am kinda into that enemy's to lovers thing" You looked at him puzzled and then realized what he meant. You pushed him away and said "I meant for tutoring god you are gross" He rolled his eyes and said "Can we skip tutoring for today I mean we have all week to do it, so don't you wanna have one fun day" After a minute of him trying to convince you, you finally responded with "Ok but if we get in trouble its on you" He cheered and started walking with you close behind. You asked "So where are we going"  He responded with "You'll see" Once you got to the place he ran inside, and so did you. Once you got in Vance looked angry. He walked up to the kid playing the pinball game, pushed him out of the way, and took it for himself. The kid fell on the floor crying. You ran over to the kid and looked up at Vance "What the fuck Vance you could've hurt him !" Vance responded with a simple "Mhm" to lost in his game to focus on you or the kid. You turned back around and said "Hey are you ok?" The kid wiped his tears and said "yeah im f-fine" You picked him up, handed him a quarter out of your purse, and pulled Vance off the game. The kid looked excited and said "Thank you miss!" You sat Vance down on a chair and you sat on the floor. "What the fuck was that for!"  You simply responded with "You're gonna let him finish his turn" Vance looked angry but didn't reply. About two minutes in you started to get very uncomfortable on the floor. You got up and went to the front where the lady running the place was. "Hi sorry to bother, but do you have any more chairs?"  "No sorry sweetie the one your boyfriend is sitting in is the only one" You quickly said "Oh no that's not my boyfriend!" She shrugged and went back to her work. You walked back to Vance and sat on the ground. "You know you can just sit on my lap if you're uncomfortable right" You looked at him and said "Not in a million years" He shrugged and said "Suit yourself" After another minute or two you couldn't do it anymore. You got up, sat on his lap, and crossed your arms. You didn't put your full weight on him because you didn't feel like being shamed by Vance, but he grabbed your hips and pulled you down onto him. You blushed at the sudden action, but hid it well.

Time skip to after you and Vance have had turns on the pinball game

"So what do you want to do now" He asked. You checked your watch and it read "8:00" You looked back up and said "I better be getting home its pretty late, and I don't want my parents to worry" He looked a little sad, but said "Ok yeah goodnight y/n" You replied "Goodnight Vance" You both went your separate ways not really wanting to part, but having to. 

Time skip to the next day (Sorry im super lazy lol) 

You were walking to school today alone because finney was sick. When all of a sudden you felt hands snake around your waist. You kicked and screamed until the hands let go. "Calm down sweetheart didn't mean to scare you" You turned around and were met with Vance Hopper. "My god Vance you can't just do that!" You shoved him and continued walking. He ran up beside you and said "Sorry y/n" You rolled your eyes and said "It's whatever" When you both arrived at the school you were laughing and talking. As you walked in you stopped dead in your tracks. You were met face to face with your bully which was conveniently also Vance's ex. She looked you up and down and said "What's up slut heard you been hanging out with Vance lately" She laughed "Did you and finney break up?" You responded with "For the last time me and finney never dated" She rolled her eyes "Yeah yeah whatever" She then turned her gaze to Vance. "Why are you hanging out with this loser anyways did she offer you a free blowjob or something?" Vance looked angry and said "No she actually didn't because she isn't a nasty whore like you" She looked taken back but replied with "Baby you know you don't mean that come hang with us" "First of all don't call me baby second I would rather stay with y/n" She laughed and said "Why are you like dating or something" Vance looked at you and said "Yeah actually we are" And with that he grabbed your chin and kissed you. The girls scoffed and walked away. When you both pulled away he said "Sorry it was just to get them to go away" You didn't care and pulled him into another kiss. At this point everyone was staring in total shock. You and him stayed in the kiss for about two minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. When you finally pulled away he asked the question "Y/n will you be my girlfriend" Your eyes went wide and you said "Yes of course Vance!" He picked you up and kissed you again. Everyone started cheering. EVEN THE TEACHERS. Truth be told you were kinda into the enemy's to lovers thing too.

A/N: I am so proud of myself for this I really hope you enjoy it !!! 

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