How he asked you out:

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Finney: One day the teacher announced you were going to be given a assignment that had to be completed with a partner. "You may choose who you are partnering up with now, but do it quietly!" Everyone got up and moved to the person they wanted to work with, but you just sat in your seat hoping for someone to sit by you. When no one did you felt a little sad. "Ok now who doesn't have a partner" As soon as you were about to raise your hand someone came and sat next to you. You looked over and saw Finney Shaw. From then on you were always partnered up and one day he finally got the courage to tell you how much he liked you and ask you out.

Robin: He took you to see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for like the 800th time. You were all cuddled up together watching the movie when you made eye contact. You looked away and then looked back at him weirdly when he kept looking at you. You finally shouted "WHAT" because you hate being stared at. And everyone around you was screaming "SHH" You rolled your eyes and looked back at robin. Before you even got another word out of your mouth he kissed you. When you both pulled away for air you were really surprised. He played it off and said "Maybe I can take you on an actual date tomorrow instead of coming to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" You responded with "I would like that"

Bruce: You went to see another one of his games as usual. As he was playing you constantly cheered for him even when he sometimes missed the ball. He eventually ended up winning the game for his team and you stood up and started dancing and cheering even louder. While you were getting overly excited you made eye contact with him and he winked at you. You didn't question it because well he was on the field you were on the bleachers, so you couldn't anyway. You exited the bleachers and waited for him out front. When you finally saw him he was running right towards you with his arms open. Once he got to you he picked you up, spun you around, and kissed you. Once he put you back on your feet he said "Tomorrow at the diner, i'll pick you up at 8:00" Before he left you said "Like a date?" He responded with "Yes a date, you think I just pick girls up, kiss them, and then don't ask them on a date?"

Vance: He had just won a fight, but he was pretty messed up. You pushed through the croud and pulled him out of there. As you were walking with him to the bathroom you said "What the fuck Vance you could've gotten yourself killed, that dude was like twice your size!"  He laughed a little, but eventually said "Awe is little y/n afraid I would've gotten hurt" You just glared at him and walked into the bathroom. You sat him on the toilet and started cleaning him up. As you were helping him you could feel eyes on you the whole time. You looked up and your eyes met with Vance's. You looked back down quickly and kept cleaning the wound's. When you finished you said "All done" You turned to leave, but Vance grabbed your arm, pulled you back, and kissed you. Once he pulled away he said "You down for a game of pinball tomorrow?" Which you obviously replied with "Yes of course!"

Billy: He had just delivered, yet another paper to your house. You picked up the paper, opened it, and looked through the pages. Just regular boring news. Until you made it to the back. You looked closer and the words in black sharpie read "Iv'e been meaning to ask you on a date for a while now but im to scared to do it face to face so I wrote it on here, but you are a really amazing girl and I would love to take you on a date, if you are up for it ill be outside your house at 8:00- Billy" You couldn't help but smile to yourself.

Griffin: He picked you up from your house on his bike. You hopped on the back and wrapped your arms around his body. After a while of riding around you put your head on his back and closed your eyes hugging onto him tightly. You felt safe. When you were about to doze off he said "Y/n" you replied with a sleepy "Yes Griffin" He finally built up the courage and asked the question "Would you maybe wanna go on a date with me tomorrow to uh the drive in?" Your eyes shot open and you lifted your head up. You replied with "Yes Griffin of course I would!" He pulled his bike over onto the sidewalk, turned around, and kissed you very passionately.

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