Chapter 6

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Harry sat in stunned silence as chattering and whispering bloomed around him in a garden of comments, some envious, some congratulatory. As the Hat called out names of students who would be going to Beauxbatons, he sat still, a thousand thoughts all competing for his attention at once. Excitement and fear warred with one another inside of him. The adventure of going to a new place attracted him; at the same time, he would have to learn to get about in a new place, to recognize unseen hordes of new people.

At long last, the Sorting Hat finished its work, and Dumbledore went through the usual list of do's and don'ts that he invariably gave at the start of each term. Then he clapped his hands and announced the beginning of the Feast. Magically, each dish before them was filled with food, and the tantalizing smell wafted around the hall.

"Harry! What do you think? You get to go on exchange!" squealed Hermione from the opposite side of the table.

"I'm not sure what to think," said Harry slowly.

"It would just be so brilliant to study abroad," sighed Hermione in a faraway tone.

Harry didn't know what to answer, so he pretended to be busy filling his plate with unidentifiable food and eating, but he found his mind still spinning and he hardly tasted it. Durmstrang seemed so far away, far to the North, in Norway. It had a reputation for teaching the Dark Arts as well; Harry shivered at the thought.

When the Feast had ended and the students began straggling toward their dormitories, Professor McGonagall summoned Harry to accompany her to the Head table to speak with Professor Dumbledore for a minute.

"Harry, so you have been chosen as one of our exchange students to Durmstrang," began Dumbledore with a tone in his voice that made Harry wonder if his eyes still twinkled the way he remembered.

"Err, yes, sir," Harry agreed to the rhetorical statement.

"You godfather has been notified and has given his consent, of course," continued the Headmaster. "In fact, he thinks it will be a good experience for you."

Harry wondered who had really chosen the students and how long ago Sirius had known that Harry would go. He decided not to ask; rather, he stayed silent waiting for Dumbledore to go on.

"Out of concern for your safety, especially in light of the attack on you the summer before last, Feliss Eliot has kindly volunteered to accompany you, in disguise, of course," he said. Harry gave him a tight-lipped smile. Having Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, along would help him feel less afraid, although he wished Sirius or Lupin could also come.

As if reading his mind, Dumbledore said, "I have spoken with Professor Lupin regarding your transition and training in blindness skills. He assured me you will do fine with mobility. Apparently, Durmstrang will also be able to provide a teacher in that area. Do you have any questions?"

Harry's mind still spun out of control; he felt he could hardly grasp all that Dumbledore had thrown at him.

"No," he said finally.

"All right then," said Professor Dumbledore. "We shall expect you in the entrance hall at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow to begin your journey to the north."

Harry nodded dumbly and turned to leave. A thought struck him and he pivoted again to face Professor Dumbledore who had risen from his place at the table.

"Sir?" asked Harry.

"Yes, lad?" asked Dumbledore kindly.

"Thank you, sir," said Harry, unable to express the gratitude he felt at Dumbledore's willingness to let him go, at the care he'd taken to be sure Harry would be safe, and at the understanding he'd shown about the need for ongoing mobility training.

Harry Potter and the Blind Seer of DurmstrangWhere stories live. Discover now