Chapter 28

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Harry tossed his knapsack onto his bed in the boys' dormitory at Durmstrang, and then joined it, flopping down on his back and thinking over the events of the past week. After the tearful reunion between the twins, Jamie's and Jasmine's parents had been notified, and Harry got to witness another joyful reunion. Both twins had gone home for several weeks to be with their family, and then they planned to both join the class at Durmstrang. Harry missed his little shadow, but thinking about her happiness, he could not help but smile.

Professor O'Carolan was still recovering at 12 Grimmauld Place. The Order hadn't decided whether it was safe for him to return to Durmstrang, although Harry could sense his growing impatience when he talked with him via the floo network.

As for Harry himself, he'd had a long talk with Dumbledore about his conversation with Voldemort, his subsequent descent into total blindness, and being rescued by Mack. Harry had assumed that since he now knew the location of Voldemort's headquarters, they would launch some sort of an offensive immediately, with Harry and Mack as guides. To his dismay, however, Dumbledore brushed this plan aside.

Of course, Harry had seen Madame Pomfrey, who'd said there was nothing she could do, beyond giving him some potions to relieve the dry-eye pain that apparently came with the blinding curse. Dumbledore hadn't wanted to send Harry back to Durmstrang, but Harry himself insisted. He wanted to finish what he began.

Now, though, in his dormitory, he wondered if he'd made a mistake. In spite of all of his training with Lupin the year before, he hadn't realized how disoriented he'd feel. After ten days with no sight, frustration and depression had begun to settle, and it took every ounce of willpower to decide to get up and make his way to the Common room again. He forced himself to listen to the echoes as he made his way along the passage. Like in the blindfold lessons with Lupin, he felt slightly dizzy, and once he even stopped and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself.

At last, he entered the Common room, found an armchair, and sank into it gratefully.

"Are you okay?" asked a voice from nearby.

Harry's head snapped up. He wondered if he'd ever get used to being surprised like that. "Yeah," he said briefly, and allowed his head to fall back against the arm of the chair again.

"Is it true?" The voice, belonging to Adrian Pucey, held hesitant curiosity, and Harry groaned inwardly.

"Is what true?" he asked, taking the bait, since he didn't have anything better to do.

"About Vol—You-Know-Who. And your eyes."

At least Adrian didn't beat around the bush, Harry thought wryly.

"Yeah," he answered, trying to think of something more to say, but coming up with nothing. He didn't know exactly what the rumors were, but he didn't really care.

"Blimey," said Adrian, "guess Alexei will really try to take a shot at you now."

"You think?" asked Harry, his head coming up again.

"Well, yeah. You're a sitting duck. I'm sure there's a fat reward for you now," said Adrian.

Harry hadn't thought of this. "I'm such an idiot," he said, frowning. He should have stayed at Hogwarts. This was going to be a lot more dangerous than he thought. And now, he did not even have Professor O'Carolan to teach him how to manage.

"You're not alone, you know," said Adrian, as if reading Harry's thoughts.

"Like hell, I'm not," muttered Harry.

"Hogwarts... we stick together," said Adrian, and a conspiratorial tone in his voice made Harry's eyes narrow.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

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