Chapter 17

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Once Harry had gathered his friends in an out-of-the-way corner of an empty classroom, he took a deep breath and began.

"I need your help," he said. "You've noticed that Professor O'Carolan's gone missing?"

Several people nodded, and Luna said, "Yes."

"I think he was kidnapped by the Carrows," said Harry in a low voice.

"The Deputy Highmaster?" asked Jamie.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure they are Death Eaters," said Harry.

"Why would they kidnap Professor O'Carolan?" asked Jamie confusedly.

Harry looked at the floor, trying to find a way to explain, wondering how much he should tell them. "I've seen Voldemort," he said finally.

Adrian jumped to his feet at the name. "Bloody hell!"

"Shh," said Harry and Luna at the same time.

"I thought you were blind," Adrian said, still on his feet.

Harry motioned him to take his seat. "I am," he explained patiently. "In this case, I guess 'see' is more figurative, although..." he trailed off, unsure how to explain the visions, the deal Voldemort had tried to make with him and the brilliant temptation of tantalizing color he had seen. "Anyway," he resumed, "the Dark Lord's come back."

A stunned silence settled on the small group as each one digested this piece of information. Then Jamie spoke timidly, "Who's Voldemort?"

Adrian was instantly on his feet again. "Blimey, where'd you grow up? In a bloody hole?"

Harry recalled his own first year and how little he'd known of the wizarding world. "He's a dark wizard, Jamie," he said simply.

Adrian sat down again, muttering under his breath, "bloody muggle-borns." Harry ignored him.

"He's come back, and I think he was afraid Professor O'Carolan would influence me," he said.

"You, Harry?" asked Luna, who had sat quietly for the most part, listening. "To do what?"

"Well," Harry said awkwardly, "He sort of... err... tried to get me to turn to the dark... to join him..."

"If you're telling us about it, you must not be planning to take him up on it," observed Luna wryly, and Harry flashed a grin at her.

"Errr, no," he said, and hurried on. "I need to find Professor O'Carolan," he finished with urgency.

"Where do you think they took him?" asked Adrian.

"That's just it," said Harry. "I have no idea. He could be hundreds of miles away."

"What can we do?" asked Jamie eagerly.

"Well, as Adrian pointed out," said Harry, "I'm blind. Makes it hard to look for a bloke..."

Jamie chuckled. "Yeah, we can help there. Where do we start looking?"

Nobody answered for a long moment.

"If I was a Death Eater," began Luna serenely, "I'd want to keep him nearby, where I could keep an eye on him."

"He could be right here in the castle," agreed Adrian.

"It's a place to start, at least," said Jamie.

"We can't get caught looking for him," warned Harry. "Natalia..."

"The Veela?" interrupted Adrian.

At the same moment, Jamie asked, "your girlfriend?"

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