Chapter 31

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In whispers, they called to the twins, and the four of them splashed their way up the stream, sliding precariously over rocks, and feeling the current tugging at their ankles at every step. It seemed to Harry that it was hours they spent mucking along in the stream, hardly making any headway at all, but at last Adrian announced in a whisper, "here it is."

The hole was higher than Harry remembered, and the stone arch felt lower. He wondered if he'd have the courage to climb into it, especially knowing what was on the other end.

To his surprise, Jasmine took the lead again. He felt her slight body push past him and, with both hands on the lower edge of the yawning opening, she hoisted herself up and was soon inside. Jamie gasped, and under her breath said, "Jazzy!," confirming to Harry that the leader had been the quieter twin. Harry took a firm grip on his courage, and pulled himself up onto the edge of the narrow space and on his elbows and knees, followed Jasmine. Jamie followed closely on his heels, and after her, Harry could hear Adrian grunt as he crawled into the low hole.

Although Harry couldn't see it, the darkness nevertheless felt oppressive around them as they wormed their way deeper into the hillside. It occurred to Harry that there may be any number of outlets above them, and there was no way to know which one he and Mack had come through. He said nothing to the others and kept inching his way along behind Jasmine.

At last, a draught of air hit his face, and he stopped. "Hold up," he said to the others, exploring the vertical shaft with his fingers. It had metal rungs of a sort of ladder in it as he remembered. He could hear Adrian and Jamie whispering together, the sound widening in hissing echoes up the tunnel. He shook his head in disgust and turned his attention back to the shaft above his head. It ascended farther than he could reach, and once he had decided there was nothing else to discover without climbing, he sat back down again in the trickle of water at the bottom of the aqueduct.

Adrian and Jamie crowded around him. "We were thinking," began Adrian, in a bit of a rush as though Harry wouldn't like their idea. "Someone should go back for help."

Harry agreed. To have the twins go get Sirius and the other Order members would not only remove them directly from harm's way, but would bring him badly-needed support. It was quickly decided, and Harry and Adrian began climbing the metal ladder while the girls made their way back down the waterway.

He had not climbed far when his knuckles grazed a metal grate such as the one he and Mack had removed. His shoes, wet through from walking in the stream, slipped from a rung suddenly, and he hit Adrian's shoulder, causing a grunt and a whispered curse.

"Sorry," Harry said, groping for the metal bar. For answer he got another muttered curse. Harry rolled his eyes to himself, and resumed exploring the grate with his fingers. It was stuck fast.

"This can't be it," he muttered furiously to Adrian. "The grate was loose."

At that moment, he froze because he heard something above him. Soft pattering, and then a swish of fabric. Quiet voices. He couldn't determine what they said, but there were several, and now all crouching around the grate. He and Adrian heard the rattle of tools, and after several screws had been removed, the grate lifted. Harry felt his heart threaten to explode out of his chest as he waited to find out who it was that had discovered them.

"It's Mr. Harry Potter," said a whispered voice. Soft, small hands reached down.

Adrian, his head next to Harry's knees, hissed through clenched teeth, "House Elves."

"House Elves?" Harry nearly laughed aloud with relief. "What room is this?"

"Hush, hush, Mr. Harry Potter, sir," said several voices above Harry. "This is the kitchen, sir, and we're the cooks."

Harry Potter and the Blind Seer of DurmstrangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz