Chapter 33

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The Death Eater who held Harry dumped him on the floor like a sack of potatoes and whipped around to face the newcomers. Harry could hear curses flying even before more Order members poured through the door. Crockery and cutlery that wasn't already smashed went flying, hitting the walls with ringing sharpness. Lupin's voice fired curses with machine-gun rapidity. Harry thought he heard Professor O'Carolan to the far left, his back to the stone wall. Other voices that Harry couldn't sort out shouted from in front of him.

Harry himself, still gasping from the Cruciatus curses, crouched next to Adrian. As soon as he was able, he again touched the ropes that bound his friend, following them around to the knots. With both hands, he tugged and twisted. Adrian grunted.

"How do I let you talk?" Harry hissed into his ear. Adrian grunted again. Harry touched Adrian's cheek, looking for a gag, but found nothing. They must have used some sort of spell, and Harry didn't know the counter-curse.

He resumed tugging at the knots. Finally, with the help of his wand and a few loosening charms, he got Adrian free. He knew Adrian wanted to help with the battle raging around them, but with his jaw locked tightly, Harry doubted he'd be able to do much cursing.

Apparently Adrian didn't care. As soon as he was free, he plunged into the fight, snarling, his fists flying. Harry grinned.

Still sitting next to the door with his back against the wall, Harry pulled out his wand again. Since he had no idea which of the howling witches and wizards were his friends, he contented himself with finding dishes and furniture that were near enough to reach and charming them to run around the room.

A stray curse hit his left knee, and he gasped with pain.

"Are you okay, Harry?" asked Lupin in his ear, causing him to jump.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry said, holding his knee with both hands.

"Make a shield," said Lupin, but his voice was lost in the noisy room.

"What?" asked Harry.

"A shield. Make a shield. Protego," bawled Lupin in Harry's ear.

Harry cast the spell, and he grinned as Lupin stood next to him, using his shield and throwing hexes from behind it.

Harry's hand, straying to his pocket, grasped the crumpled roll of parchment he'd stolen from the kitchen. He wondered what it contained. A map, someone had said. Plans maybe? From the Dark Lord?

Harry gasped.

"We have to find Voldemort!" he shouted at Lupin. "He's here! Somewhere here in this house. Or at least, he was."

Lupin barely heard him, so absorbed was he in fighting several Death Eaters at once.

"We have to find Voldemort!" Harry yelled again.

"Harry!" said a voice in Harry's other ear.

"Mack! You're here too?" Harry asked.

"Come with me," Mack said, giving Harry's arm a push toward the door. By this time, Lupin had moved off, still firing curses, so Harry staggered to his feet, backed out of the doorway, and swung around into the corridor.

"Voldemort," Mack said urgently. "Do you know where he is?"

"Here," panted Harry. "Here somewhere. Well, he was."

"We should find him before he finds you," said Mack. "He isn't going to like you being here with us."

"I have this," said Harry, pulling out the parchment. Mack snatched it from his hands and unrolled it.

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