Chapter 30

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With Adrian on his heels, Harry tumbled out of the fire headfirst onto cold, hard stone. He tried to listen for the size and shape of the room, and more importantly, the occupants. He heard nothing except Adrian cursing under his breath.

"Bugger," said Adrian, standing up and beginning to dust himself off. "Where in the bloody..."

"What does it look like?" Harry asked sharply. He knew he'd muffed it, but he only had a few precious hours to waste.

"Looks like a workshop," said Adrian. "Stone. That was a bit of a forge or something."

"Near the sea," said Harry thoughtfully, as a waft of salty air came in through the open door, competing with the heavy smell of metalwork.

"Hey there, wotthehell's goin' on in there?" asked an irritated man's voice from outside the door.

"Uh oh," said Adrian.

Next moment, a beefy man burst into the shop. At least, Harry got the impression of beefiness as the man blustered and swore. Harry could almost see the purplish cast to his face, like Uncle Vernon's face when he was angry.

"What're you two blokes doing in my barn?" demanded the man, and Harry had no answer for him. To have two chaps unexpectedly tumble out of one's forge in a workshop would be odd indeed. He considered casting an obliviate spell.

Instead, he asked politely, "We're sorry. Could you tell us the name of this place, and we'll be on our way."

"You didn't pinch anything, I hope?" asked the man, a trifle less suspiciously.

"No, sir," said Adrian quickly.

"Hrmmmfff," said the man through his nose, indicating, Harry supposed, that he was a bit more placated.

"What's the name of this place?" repeated Harry urgently.

"Mercer's Landing," said the man, proudly. "Simon Mercer," he said, and evidently he'd thrust out his hand for a shake, because he muttered to himself, "idiot, he's blind," and shook Adrian's hand instead.

"Mercer?" asked Harry. "Do you know Jamie Mercer, by chance?"

"My own daughter," said the man, his voice growing a bit drippy. "And her twin sister, just restored to us.

Harry could hardly believe his luck. She might be able to help them find Godric's Hollow, first-year though she was. He hadn't landed entirely among Muggles. "May I see her?" he asked eagerly.

"Of course," said the man, evidently now completely at ease with the appearance of two lads in his shop. "This way." He strode back out of the shop, and Harry, for efficiency's sake, put a hand on Adrian's shoulder. He'd never done this before, and Adrian's shoulder stiffened, although he said nothing. Harry followed him past some unidentified metal implements that caught at their trousers, and through a low doorway. Harry would have bashed his forehead had he not felt Adrian stoop, and he was glad he'd avoided that particular bruise.

"Jamie!" the man called from well across a yard. "Jamie, some friends of yours, probably from that ruddy school."

Light footsteps descended some stairs, and a small voice cried, "Harry!" Harry was unexpectedly attacked by a fierce, if small, hug.

"Dad, this is Harry Potter. He found Jasmine for us!" she explained all in one breath.

"Harry Potter, eh?" said Mr. Mercer. "A blind kid rescued my daughter?" he said with surprise.

"I know, amazing, right?" said Harry, his annoyance at the condescension coming out as sarcasm.

But Mr. Mercer hadn't been overburdened with perception. "It is, lad, it is," he said heartily, pumping Harry's hand. "Don't know how we could ever repay you. Come in at least and have tea."

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