The sad

509 15 27

4 weeks later

Cesar's POV:

I pick up a plate of food and start walking to Adam's and Jonah's room. I arrive at the door of the room and knock on it as I open it.

The room was pitch black, no light at all. "Adam?" I speak out. A grumble was a response from him. I place the plate of food on the bed side counter.

I could hear the shuffle on the blanket and the plate being grabbed. Silent munching filled the room's silence.

"Are you feeling any better?" I ask him. A small 'mkm' was heard. Ever since Jonah went missing after he left because he felt sick Adam has not moved a muscle.

Me and Mark take turns getting him food and stuff he needs, or force him to go take a shower once in a while. Other times we let him be.

Even if Jonah and Adam were on the run, we filled a missing person report for him and now he's being searched for, no success yet of course.

Adam refuses to believe that Jonah went missing for no reason like most people do, he thinks the work of the alternates are in this.

Even though there has not been a sign of that.

Once Adam is done with the food he put the plate back on the counter and I take it. "I'll go now, remember if you need anything just call for me" I tell him, he just hums in response like usual.

I walk out of the room and become face to face with Mark. "Is he doing any better?" He asks me. I shake my head. Mark's face frowns more then it was frowned before.

"Where could he had gone?" I say as I put the plate in the sink. "I don't know, but he can't be too far right?" Mark says as he sits down behind the table.

I start to wash the dishes and respond to Mark with: "I hope so"

When I'm finished I sit behind the table, just beside Mark. I stir my cup of coffee that Mark had made me. I look down at it and hear a door open.

It was...Adam?

I bolt up sitting straight because of his sudden appearance. "Adam, nice to see you out of the room" Dave says.

I didn't even notice he was sitting with us at the same table the whole time. Adam hums and sits behind the table too.

He seemed like he hasn't slept much and his eyes were red and puffy, probably from crying.

Dave gives him his coffee and stands up to make himself a new one. "Thanks" Adam mumbles out.

"We will find him Adam, don't worry about it" Mark says, trying to cheer him up. Adam sighs. "You're probably right" he then says as he takes a sip from his coffee, then adds sugar in it.

"I just miss him a lot" he says. "We all do" I tell him. Adam nods and takes another sip from the coffee. Dave sits back behind the table with his steaming hot coffee.

We sit in silence. "Uhh" Mark starts. "I think I'll go to bed, sooo uhhhhh, good night I guess" he says awkwardly as he stands up and starts walking to our room.

"Night" we all say. After a while we decide to go asleep too, we say night and leave to our rooms.

Curse you [Mandela Catalogue Adam x Jonah] SEASON 2!!!Where stories live. Discover now