The city

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Adam's POV:

We arrived at the diner in the city and took seat in there. As we were looking through the menu I saw something pass from the side of me, I saw it from the corner of my eye but I was pretty sure that it looked like Jonah.

I look to where I saw it pass and to where but it was empty, we were the only ones in the diner except for the workers.

"You okay Adam?" Dave asked me. I turn back to the menu. "Yeah, just though I saw Jonah" I respond. We all went quiet as we decided what we wanted.

We decided on what we wanted and we sent Dave to tell the waiter.

Dave's POV:

I got sent to find the waiter and tell them our order. After what felt like 10 minutes I find the waiter.

"Hello" I say. They say hello back. "What would you like to order?" They asked me. "Uhh, 2 waffles, 1 pancakes, 1 bacon and eggs, and for the drinks hot chocolates (4)" I tell them. They nod as they write it down and to give the chef the note.

I got back to the guys and we end up just chatting until our food comes.

Adam's POV:

The waiter comes to us with our food finally. We all ate our foods and decided on the other place to go to, we decided on the Stardust Mall.

We drove ther and just had fun there, we ate ice cream, got new clothes, went to buy food and hot chocolate for home and a lot more.

It all made me forget about Jonah being missing and all. Our fun day did have to come to an end tho, we had to go home.

The drive home was longer then the drive to the city since there were many roads blocked off by the police for some reason, those weren't there at the morning tho.

When we were finally home, we stepped inside and were met with a surprise. The house was messy and the basement door was open. We all got the creeps and Cesar ran to the basement door to lock it.

Maybe that was what the sound was all about from before? Maybe an alternate is living with us but it lives in the basement.

We were all terrified about being attacked by it in middle of the night so we decided to keep guard of it. Every guard would guard it for 2 hours and then they will wake up the other guard to guard it.

Sadly I was the first guard, then was Mark, then Dave and then Cesar.

The 3 went to sleep as I was left to guard the door.

1st hour

Nothing has really happened, only a few scratching sounds but that could simply be Rex.

2nd hour

This hour was very silent. The only thing I could hear was my breathing and my heartbeat from time to time.


It was finally time to switch. I go to wake up Mark and he goes to guard it.

As for me, I go to my room and lay at Jonah's bed. Even if it's been weeks since he went missing the smell on him hasn't left the bed.

I fall asleep almost instantly since of the long time I had to guard the basement door.

Curse you [Mandela Catalogue Adam x Jonah] SEASON 2!!!Where stories live. Discover now