Basement tour

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Mark's POV:

After multiple hours later

I was sitting near the basement door since I was the one guarding it right now. It was like..10 in the morning. I had drank coffee a second ago so I was alright for now.

Me and Cesar have actually thought about leaving this cottage for safety of everyone. Like after what happened in the few months, I don't think we are safe here.

The alternate attack, Jonah going missing, the sounds in the basement, it's all just screaming unsafe.

I take a sip of coffee that had been sitting near me. I weirdly don't remember making it but it's coffee. From the news the others have told me, the only time the basement made a sound was when Adam was in guard.

Whatever might be in the basement, it has something to do with Adam. Maybe even with the disappearance of Jonah.

In middle of thinking...BANG

The basement door had been banged on from inside. It scared me so suddenly that I fell off my chair.

Someone rushed in the plane I was in and asked me panicked: "What was that sound?!"

I turned to look who it was, it was Adam. He must have woken up when the Bang happened or he was awake and near here and heard it.

"I- I don't" I say as a shiver went up my spine. Adam helped me up and we won't to wake Cesar and Dave up to tell them what happened.

Adam's POV:

We were all gathered near the basement door. Cesar took out a key that opened the door.

He placed the key in the key hole and started turning until a click was heard. The door slowly opened while it creaked. Like the doors in horror movies.

Cesar was the first one to step a foot in the basement. The darkness hid him as he walked down the creaking stairs.

Mark followed him and then Dave. I was the last one to follow them. We luckily had flashlights just in case. We only turned them on when we were all in the basement.

It was pitch dark in there, no light at all. We turned on the flashlights, didn't do much but it was light.

We looked around the room to spot the thing making the sounds.

I heard someone, or something behind me, I turned and suddenly....

Curse you [Mandela Catalogue Adam x Jonah] SEASON 2!!!Where stories live. Discover now