Old habits

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Maya turned back to Vic, "what the fuck" she said confused.

"What the fuck" Vic nodded in agreement.

It was still Friday night and Maya had now been home for just over an hour. She had gotten ready for bed as soon as she got home, hoping to find something to take her mind off the Italian.

She got into bed and looked through Instagram for a little while. Then she had a not so brilliant idea of seeing if Carina has Instagram.

Turns out she does, and she looks flawless. "Oh for fuck sake" Maya sighed, throwing her phone onto the bed.

About 6 seconds later however, she picked it back up again, searching through her comments on her pictures to try and find out something about Carina's boyfriend. Much to her disappointment however, there was nothing. No pictures with him, no comments he left. Nothing.

Maya laid staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, thinking about that piece of tissue with Carina's number on. Her phone beeped bringing her out of her thoughts.

Vic: Hey did you get home okay?

Maya: Yes... now I am staring at the walls trying to find something else to think about :)

Vic: If you can't stop thinking about her, text her!! You have her digits and she asked you to text her remember!

Maya: Yes she asked me to text her right after she had her tongue down a guys throat and before they walked off together holding hands. I really don't think we're both on the same page here.

Vic: What is one message going to do? Nothing. So do it Bishop

Maya: Okay fine I'll do it... she probably won't even reply tonight anyway she'll be busy under, over and everywhere else with that guy

Vic: Stop! Text her already!!!! Let that woman make you smile go go gooooooo! :)

Maya laughed at her friends silliness as she got up to get Carina's number and type it into her phone.

What do I save her as Maya thought to herself. She typed multiple options into the contact:

Carina Deluca 🤍
New boss 🫣
Sexy sexy mother fucker

She decided nothing was appropriate. Maybe once they got to know each other better. She settled for 'Carina' knowing this one word alone could not be summed up with emojis on how she felt.

Just as she was about to text Carina, she had an email come through from work. She quickly skimmed over it before putting her phone down, deciding she should leave texting Carina. Maybe she could do it tomorrow instead.

Meanwhile in Carina's, Maya was not far off her predictions for the Italian's plans. She was on the bed naked, next to Carter and desperately trying to catch her breath. "Mamma mia... I am speechless" she said amazed.

"We can go again if you want" Carter smirked, running his fingertips over the Italians stomach, watching goosebumps arise.

"I'm not sure you could handle another" Carina smirked, glancing down Carter's body.

"I will be ready just give me a couple of minutes" Carter laughed lightly, beginning to touch himself.

"This is what I'm for" Carina smirked, moving to straddle his legs and bend over to take his shaft in her mouth. He held her brown locks out of the way as he moaned in appreciation.

Not long after, he was ready. Carina bit her lip, positioning herself before lowering her body onto Carter, "oh fuck" she moaned, eyes closed.

Once they had finished, Carter kissed Carina, leaving her in her bed to go to the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, only one thing came to Carina's mind. Maya.

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